Well After reading some of these posts here, I can see that most of the atheists, who claim to be tolarant, are saying that Christians are dumb, intolarant and rotten eggs(or something). I mean if you guys think that christians are all cheater, who beat up their wives, stupids that have no idea that there can't be a God, or don't believe in science and etc(I could add atleast like a million more from just reading a couple of the post above) and go to church and pretend that they are christians, Why don't you tolarate them and forgive them because you are the ones that know there is no God (lets remember that is also a believe) and they are the stupid? And if there is no God it doesn't matter what you believe, we will all die and it doesn't even matter but You are supposedly the tolarant ones why don't you tolarat them.
I believe there is good evidance that there is a God based on these arguements. Please tell me if I am wrong. If there is no God, then you either believe that we came from nothing or the universe is infinate in time. I mean it is eternal but I see no logic or science or even common sense in believing that we came from nothing. If you think we came from nothing please tell me why you believe so because I really want to know. Now for the second one, Is the universe eternal? The first law of thermodynamics says that matter and energy cannot be made or destroyed. The second law of theromdynamics says that the universe will go in a state of enthropy (we will have no usable energy left)but since we still have usable energy, we know that the universe had a beginning and everything that has a beginning has a cause. The universe has a beginning therefore the universe has a cause and Christians call this cause God. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth."
Then someone said," Any view or statement that some religious leader comes up with is just a theory or statement of faith on his or her part. I mean if you take the Bible LITERALLY then Earth is what some 6000 odd years and 7 days old?
If you listen to scientists and their THEORIES, the Earth is some billions and billions of years old. So then as a Christian who believes the Bible is literal, how do you explain Neanderthals, Cro-magnon Man (plus everything before and in between) and dinosaurs? So then Adam could not have been the first man.
But then if you listen to scientists it was all created in a "Big Bang. Wouldn't that be like me suddenly being able to create a diamond by holding a rock in my hand? It ain't gonna happen!
I know that you cannot create something from nothing. How it got created is the main mystery. Using common sense what do you all really believe? Me? I have NO IDEA!"
I wanted to comment on this. "Any view or statement that some religious leader comes up with is just a theory or statement of faith on his or her part" Well please tell us what you mean by religious leader because scientist come up with the idea that we evolved from nothing therefore I would also conclude that you are calling them religious leaders because that statment is also based on faith because there is no evidance for it. I mean they have evidance for micro-evolution but they call it macro-evolution but they two are completely two different things.
"I mean if you take the Bible LITERALLY then Earth is what some 6000 odd years and 7 days old?" Well I don't think that is true because christians in general don't believe in exact number of days but they say it was created between 7000 to 10000 years and they have reasons to believe so and if you really study their points they do make some really good arguements, take for example Ken Ham, Dr. Philip Fernandes. But Christians don't really have a problem with the age of the Earth, it is the Evolutionist and Atheists and others have the problem because for Christians it doesn't matter how old the Earth is but for evolutionist even the 18 to 20 billion years is not enough. Because life is too complex to develope with that much time so they always increase the age of the Earth. I don't really want to get into this too much but as some really famous say:"If complex organisms ever did evolve from simpler ones, the process took place contrary to the laws of nature, and must have involved what may rightly be termed the miraculous." R.E.D. Clark. There is alot of things that are taken by believe not by facts with evolutions.
Then you said, "how do you explain Neanderthals, Cro-magnon Man (plus everything before and in between) and dinosaurs? So then Adam could not have been the first man."
Neanderthals, Cro-magnon Man (plus everything before and in between) and dinosaurs. Well I would really recommand you reading these books, "Buried Alive: The Startling Truth about Neanderthal Man" and Neanderthal Man was not you know the pre-Adamic men or anything but actually as one scientist say,"Neanderthal bony features have nothing to do with evolutionary 'ape-man' beliefs. They are probably just an example of genetic variation among people, more pronounced in the early post-Flood era. Some evolutionists have pointed out that some Neanderthal bony features are found in a percentage of present-day Europeans." I mean Christians don't have a problem with that. And about dinosaurs, the bible clearly teach that humans lived with dinosaurs and yes it is possible. Go to
http://www.answersingenesis.org or
www.extremetruths.com if you want more info.