Ok, I guess I'm a humanist, so Red Cross could be considered 'activist' with assisting the vulnerable where needed. It's the Canadian Red Cross, so the programs differ across the globe. The program I'm involved most is Disaster Recovery work. I love it.
I could say I'm an activist everyday in the little things. If someone says 'stop crying like a little girl' I'll ask them to re-phrase what they're trying to say without the negativity in a trait considered to be weak solely assigned to females.
The same goes with racist comments, even the slightest comment like "I got gyped". If the person didn't know it's akin to saying 'Don't Jew me out', they do after I tell them!
Passivity in those issues irrates me and is as bad as saying or acting on prejudices. That's my activism.
I've also joined 46664 online, an AIDS organisation founded by Nelson Mandela.
After the Consevatives got into gov't in Canada, I'm probably going to be more active in the issues I care about in the ways of protesting.