Hi Freebubbles,
Here's what I am thinking- since kitchens deal with nourishment both of body and soul and water deals with emotions particularily, therefore stagnant, standing dirty water would maybe mean that you're feeling like your life (inside or outside) is stale and needs freshening up. The fact that this water is in a drawer(s)and not where it should be (eg. in a sink) suggests a couple of things: 1. that you're hiding your feelings about this (you can conceal the dirty water by closing the drawer) and/or 2. that those feelings are maybe misplaced.
Are you looking after a family? Are you making enough time for yourself? What would you really feel would make a big difference in your life right now? <img src="/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
I bet if you think on those things a little and start taking some steps toward making them happen, your dream will stop.
Let us know if any of this fits!