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hi i was freebubbles but i goofed and could not login so here i am starting over. <img src="/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> i am a christian and i am doing research on other religians. i know that homosexuality is not a religian but i dont know much about it and i grow up a Nazerine and they believe its wrong. anyway i want to from my own oppinions!!! so im not sure where to start but here i go.... 1. Do you hate God? 2. Do you think God made you homosexual? 3. Do you Believe in God? (mmm maybe i should have started with that one) 4. Do you believe that something happened to make you gay? 5. If you believe in God, what religon are you?
I realize that there ont be a uniform answer to any of these questions but i would like to see what the general oppnions are. i mean on offence and im sorry if i did. But i am tired of relieing on religous leaders oppions of other peoples lives, cultures, and religions. i am trying go straight to the sorce sorta speek. thank you for understanding!!!
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Nazarenes hate gays... REALLY! LOL I am just kidding. I know how much they dispize us.. I went to Olivet Nazarene University.
But to answer your questions: 1. Nope 2. Yep, we are all created in His image aren't we (well if we are Judeo-Christian etc) 3. Yeppers 4. Nope, nothing happened to make me gay. Just like nothing happened to make people "straight (heterosexual)" 5. I am a Reform Jew, but also spiritual/mystic
And I am glad you aren't relying on someone else for your information. it is better to do some studying and soul-searching to come up with your own opinions and thoughts. i think too many time our youth, heck people for all that ammter, tend to forget to think for themselves and to question what they are is "true". Guess it's the Jew in me since we always seem to question everything! LOL
Jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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thank you for replying i was afraid that i would offend everyone. i think it would be Very difficult to believe in God (use in chirstian form) or go to church when so many churches condemn and show no respect for others (not just gays they dont much like me half the time you know poor white trailar trash and all!!) I do have one more question what is the gay life style? is it that much different then...strait lifestyle (i dont think thats the right phase but its the only one i could come up with)
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lifestyle: how ones lies their life.. as in choices they make like if they live in squaller, smoke, drink, do drugs
life: how one is... something that cannot be changed... as in skin color, ethnicity, hair color (naturally), eye color, male/female (technically)
So therefore there is nothing different between how glbt person live their lives and how heterosexual persons live their. If you go back into the archives on the main gaylesbiannews.bellaonline.com site, you will find an article entitled life v lifestyle. read it!
Jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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I liked your artical!!! I have always wondered what would make gay/lesbians life style any different then mine. I have a cosin that is gay and he goes to work eats the same stuff i do whatever... i have never thought he was any differnet then anybody else...well besides being nicer then the rest of our family but thats a whole new ball game!!! You know what i find funny? I find it very ironic that heterosexuals think they have a corner market on morals and eithics but we are the once that live with our boy-girl friends before marrage and divorice makeing marrage a meaningless piece of paper while gay and lesbians are fighting for the right to get married and do things the right way. I was raised to be werry of any homosexual because the are indecerminar and sexual devents that are out to convert and prev kids. of course the preacher who preachered all that is now serving time for indecnce with a child. Ironic aint it?
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Very Ironic.
I find it funny that they (proponents of SSM) say that allowing gays to marry will wreckj the sanctity of marriage. OK, so adultry, poligamy, divorce.. those are the things they are protecting. I say if gay people want to be as miserable as heterosexuals.. let them! LOL NOt!
I am one of the wierd gay people who don't want gay marriage. I want a completely seperate thing. I would like the government to get out of the marriage business and only do civil unions for ALL. If then a person wants a Marriage (IE. church thing) then let them have it after they have gone in front of a justice of the peace and done the legal civil aspect of the marriage.
People forget that marriage is two seperate things.. one is contractual, the other is religious. So if we seperate them, leave marriage alone and gain civil unions for all.. then they don't have the claim of breaking the sanctity of marriage any more. But thats too simple of a solution and will never happen with the current administration.
A recent figure for you to ponder though is this... only 27% of americans STRONGLY oppose gay marriage. Thats down from 47% just two years ago. We are winning some battles, but have a long way to go. I am just lucky enough my faith allowed me to have a marriage... and not just some blessing. Too bad the state or national govt isn't so accepting.
Oh yeah.. glad you loved the article.
Jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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My friend Dave, a nice married heterosexual guy, once told me that every argument he's ever heard against gay lifestyle and marriage could be boiled down to two concepts. The first is "it's against my religion." The second was "eewww, that's gross."
Now, as Dave went on to explain to me, he feels that both opinion are valid opinions, however, neither is a valid, approved or allowed method for making any legal arguments, decisions or laws against anything.
I love how Dave thinks, and I'm very proud that he just did the 700+ mile SF to LA AIDS Lifecyle ride.
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very good way to think of things Rae.
Glad to see you on the board my Faerie Pagan Bi Dragmother!
Jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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I know that they argue that the Pilgrims came over to gain religious freedom and they argue that point against Atheist who want to take the ten commandment out of schools and court house walls and take God off of money and out of the pledge of allegiance. the only problem with the argument is that the pilgrims killed the Indians because they would not conform, they made slaves of the black, chininess and anyone else that was different. personally i have nothing against the word GOD on anything it a generic term any and all religions have a God so... and the 10 Commandments are good to live by and if you boil down any religion they all come down to those rules and moral values (or so far i have not found any that appose them). so here is a question: how can they argue "separation of church and state" is what the pilgrims stand for, then turn around and say "the Constitution is based in religion" they cant have it both ways just to make it convenient for politicians!!! welcome back spell check yea!!!
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