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i dont believe in god and i don't believe people can "sin", but I do think for me and my family we shall leave nature alone..which means no sterilization and no circumcision, etc.
I didnt feel that way when I got my tattoos, LOL. They are a reminder now <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
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Some people are, medically, in a world of hurt if they get pregnant....meaning pregnancy and/or childbirth would cause severe illness, injury, or even death. I'd rather see them get sterilized than go through that.
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Hi Kristen: That was exactly my point!! I don't believe there is actually another family in this country with that many children!!! And I agree, if you are going to have that many kids make sure you can take care of them. Don't make the children do without or live off handouts.
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BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
BellaOnline Editor Chipmunk
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I was brought up oldest of 8 and I know from experience what having too many kids can do to ones health. While I would not give up my brothers for anything, it really weighted on our family and my mom's health.
I was brought up to believe to have as many children as you can TAKING UNDER CONSIDERATION your health, finances and mental abiltiy. You don't have to be rich, but able to put a decent meal on the table, not the healthiest, but healthy enough to get out of the bed and take proper care of them and mentally sound to handle the amount you can handle. For some that might be seven or eight kids, but for some maybe only one! We are all different. Those who chose not to have kids to me are making the wise decision for them at that time.
I was brought up LDS and never told to have alot of kids, no pressure to either. Also, education and a career was always supported. I have 3 kids and probaly all I will have, because it is what me and my husband can handle. We should never judge a person's decision when it comes to their decisions on whether to have children, how many, etc.
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I find it hard not to judge a persons decision to have 17 children.If everyone in the world went out and had lets say 10 children each how long do you think this planet could cope. allready we are seeing signs of a world that is overpopulated and I think people who have large familys are very selfish indeed.They are only thinking of themselves and what they want.These people do not care about the envoiroment which is sad. Even though I'm not having even one, I can't even IMAGINE pushing out 17 kids, let alone raising them. It would definitely make me wonder why a woman would be hellbent on having 17 or more kids. Maybe she believes in that Quiverfull thing. I don't see how they can do it, and I guess there are those who don't see how we CF'ers can "do it," that is, live our lives without having a child of our own, ever. LOL
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