Husband and I have been retired for 3 1/2 years and living in Central America, after 40 years of working in and around the Chicago area. I am loving it. He thinks of this new life as work without pay. (I think it is the HoneyDo symdrome) lol
We now are living a wonderful life. We have exotic birds, including peacocks, toucans, talking parrots, and macaws. Our farm is full of colorful flowering plants and trees. We must have at least 25 different variety of tropical trees. Among them are Royal Cedars, teaks, hundreds of nim trees, native to India and we're growing our own noni plants and selling them to a fellow who processes the juice into Noni juice for sale. He's having a difficult time selling his juice. I wish I knew how he could export to the states.
We work when we want to work and we rest when we want to rest.
The only thing we didn't plan on was the escalating price of oil, which affects every aspect of life here in this third world country.
However, our home sitting on about 16 acres, just outside the capitol is fully paid for due to diligent planning while we were working. So our our two autos.
Just want you all to know that with proper planning you don't have to retire FROM your present life, rather you can retire TO a life you have always dreamed about, and pay others to do the 'heavy lifting.'