I've been reading a GREAT book and I wanted to share an bit of it...It's actually on Vastu Shastra, the science and art of placement...kind of like Feng Shui, but the original science that Feng Shui was born from...based on the vedas. � I hope you enjoy!!! DaivaNati

Mantras � the invisible driving forces of manifestation � are subtle sounds that move energy through vibratory frequencies.

The Sanskrit word �mantra� combines two syllables: man, meaning mind, and tra, which means deliverance. A mantra is a tool that delivers us from destructive mental habits and the bondage of predetermined life circumstances, or karma. Chanting mantras assists the mind to focus when it is scattered. Chanting affects your electromagnetic filed (subtle body), awakening and elevating your consciousness.

Remember, you are more than what you ordinarily perceive as your body: you are an energetic filed of electromagnetic vibrations. Negative experiences such as disappointment, lack, trauma, sadness, and loss, create a particular effect on your energetic field. Your thoughts are vibrations: what you think, you become. If the influences of disappointment, lack, or stress are predominant in your field, you will continue to attract experiences and situations that support these negative thought vibrations. Over time, chanting mantras will override and absorb the effects of these negative beliefs. The practice of chanting a mantra ultimately produces a state in which the human organism vibrates at a rate completely in tune with the positive energy contained within that mantra.

Choose a mantra below and chant it 108 times daily as part of your spiritual practice. You may want to use a mala (beads used to count repetitions of mantra) to keep count. You may chant this mantra with eyes open, gazing at a corresponding yantra, or with the eyes closed.

To hear a sample of each mantra and see a corresponding yantra, please visit this webpage: http://www.vastucreations.com/cgi-bin/display.asp?c=Yantras

The Abundance Mantra:

�Om Mahalakshmaya Namaha�

Phonetic Spelling: Om Ma-ha-lak-shmai-ya Na-ma-ha

The Health & Spirituality Mantra:

�Om tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushti vardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanat
Mrityormukshiya maamritat�

Phonetic Spelling:

Om try-um-bah-kum ya-jahm-mah-hay
Su-gahnd-im poo-shree var-dah-nam
Ur-va-ru-ka-mee-vah bahn-dan-aat
Mrit-yor-mook-she-yah maam-ri-tat

The Prosperity & Removal of Obstacles/ The Fulfillment of Desires Mantra:

�Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha�

Phonetic Spelling: Om Gung (rhymes with �rung�) Gana-pat-ta-yay Na-ma-ha

The Home Harmonizer Mantra:

�Om Maha Bhagavataya Vastupurshaya Namaha�

Phonetic Spelling: Om Ma-ha Bhaga-va-tai-ya Va-stu-pu-ru-shai-ya Na-ma-ha

Knowledge & Creativity Mantra:

�Om Aim Shrim Hrim Saraswati Devyai Namaha�

Phonetic Spelling: Om Ai-yim Sh-rim Ha-rim Sara-swat-tee Daya-yay Na-ma-ha

Health & Protection Mantra:

�Om Marutatmane Namah Hari Markata Markataya Om Klim Ram Ram Marute Ram Ram Um Jam Um Jam Um Jam Um�

Phonetic Spelling: Om Mar-ru-ta-tman-ne Na-ma-ha Ha-ree Mar-ka-ta Mar-ka-ta-ya Om K-lim Ram Ram Mar-ru-tey Ram Ram Um Jam Um Jam Um

Except taken from The Way of Vastu by Robin & Micheal Mastro