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'SMYRNA, Tenn. (AP) - Members of a church say God is punishing American soldiers for defending a country that harbors gays, and they brought their anti-gay message to the funerals Saturday of two Tennessee soldiers killed in Iraq. The church members were met with scorn from local residents. They chased the church members cars' down a highway, waving flags and screaming 'God bless America.' 'My husband is over there, so I'm here to show my support,' 41-year-old Connie Ditmore said as she waved and American flag and as tears came to her eyes. 'To do this at a funeral is disrespectful of a family, no matter what your beliefs are.' The Rev. Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist in Kansas, contends that American soldiers are being killed in Iraq as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays. The church, which is not affiliated with a larger denomination, is made up mostly of Phelps' children, grandchildren and in-laws. The church members carried signs and shouted things such as 'God hates fags' and 'God hates you.' About 10 church members protested near Smyrna United Methodist Church and nearly 20 stood outside the National Guard Armory in Ashland City. Members have demonstrated at other soldier funerals across the nation. The funerals were for Staff Sgt. Asbury Fred Hawn II, 35, in Smyrna and Spc. Gary Reese Jr., 22, in Ashland City. Both were members of the Tennessee National Guard. Hundreds of Smyrna and Ashland City residents and families of other soldiers turned out at both sites to counter the message the Westboro Baptist members brought. So many counterdemonstrators were gathered in Ashland City that police, sheriff's deputies and state troopers were brought in to control traffic and protect the protesters. The church members held protesting permits, and counterprotesters in Smyrna turned their backs to Westboro Baptist members until time expired on the protest permits. 'If they were protesting the government, I might even join them,' Danny Cotton, 56, said amid cries of 'get out of our town' and 'get out of our country.' 'But for them to come during the worst time for this family - it's just wrong.' apnews.myway.com
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I was going to post this very same thing over in the Christian Forum.
I read this article and was amazed at the audacity and (rudeness doesn't come close) lack of respect. I am a Christian, and am a member of a Baptist church (Southern Baptist - which to most people means redneck, uneducated, racist, etc., etc.) Now, of course i'm a little biased, but i don't believe I am any of those things!
First off, God doesn't hate anyone! Since this is not a religious forum I won't go farther than that, but it is the same thing as the KKK stating that God hates the Jews. (I believe in the Bible the Jewish nation is referred to as "God's chosen people" - doesn't sound like hate to me!)
Secondly, these are men that gave their lives fighting, maybe not fot their country, but under their country's orders. They deserve RESPECT! Whether you agree with this war or not, the men and women serving over there are doing their oath-bound duty, and deserve to be honored for that.
I just wanted to rant on here, because ranting on Yahoo just brings out the idiots, bigots, and hatemongers! (RE; my post on "chelation article o yahoo - sickened by postings").
Michelle Taylor Why me? What did I do to deserve this? (go on, ask)
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Some people see all Southerns as idiots, etc. People that preach hate and do things so stupid when others are in so much pain, don't help other people's views of the south. I have been in GA all my life. I can't name one person that would do something like that.
I read the article and couldn't believe they were not hurt. Not to mention how stupid their "God hates gays, so people must die" theory. I just wrote an article about how one of our player's lost his dad in Iraq. We dedicated the season to his dad on Friday night. I can't even start to think about what would have happened to those people if they done something like that here.
Free Speech is one thing, but that is disrespectful.
Last edited by Judith, Football editor; 08/29/05 08:41 AM.
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It is a shame that people would picket someones funeral, especially a funeral of a person who gave his/her life fighting for our country. no matter if we agree with our countries current president or his war, does not make the deaths and funerals of our soldiers any less honorable.
These people who picket these funerals need to have some serious education and therapy. To think that the soldiers families don't deserve respect is just wrong. It sickens me to think they are allowed to do this and would CHOOSE to do this.
My oldest brothers served MANY tours in Nam. They risked their life for their country and one was severly injured during his 3rd or 4th tour ON THE FRONT LINES! I would hate to think what my family would do to these people if one of my brothers had died serving his country and they came to his funeral.
But alas, this is a free country... and these people have the right to demonstrate... I just wish they'd choose wisely and not do it at the funerals of those who have served their country to the end!
Jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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I am glad that states like the one I live in are now banning the protest of GI funerals, or at least limiting their times and how close these nutcases can get to a funeral.
Those people served their country, and gave the most precious thing, their life, in support of their country. They should be honored and their memory should not be tarnished or overshadowed by these protests.
Jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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GOD DOES NOT HATE GAYS!! Let me repeat that! GOD DOES NOT HATE GAYS!! These people are not real Christians. How do I know? Because Jesus said that if you have no love in you you have no part of Him. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sin of homosexuality just as He did for every other sin. He died for Gays and He died for me. Does He approve of homosexuality? No, but He loves gays anyway just like He loves me when I stumble and sin.
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Moderators note:
I would never want to censor anyone, and we all have our beliefs, but in the order of fairness, please remember that not everyone agrees with each other. We all come from different faiths, different backgrounds, different spirituality leanings. Please remember this so I don't have to censor, ban, or edit posts.
jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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In my opinion, the people who treat others this way are NOT Christians...they are phonies.
I myself DO NOT bash people just because they may be a little different than me. I write my articles on my site and then let it be. I don't come in here and decide to spout my beliefs as to upset others or make them feel inferior.
I have family members who are fighting in Iraq. I would be very upset if ANYONE decided to disrupt their funeral with some political message. The sixties were over a long time ago. Support is whats needed. Doesn't anyone remember why the Vietnam era was so desolate? Or is everyone from that time in a drug enduced haze? It was sad because our nation failed our soldiers; black, white, native american, female and male. We turned our backs as a nation and called them vile names and made their experience of war ten times as bad. Didn't we learn anything as a nation?
Who cares what someones sexual orientation is, Jesus left us with one commandment, Love one another as He has loved us. God tells me to love others. He tells me in His Word that my job is not to judge His children, that's His job at the Great White Throne Judgement. My job is to love. Anyone who thinks any other way is NOT a true Christian and needs to read the Word.
This story breaks my heart, it's so-called religious fanatics that give real Christianity a bad name. True Christianity has nothing to do with organized religion. And I'll probably get flak for that comment, but it's true. Real Christianity is about Jesus Christ and that's all. It's about learning how to show true compassion and reach out and show that compassion to those who seem unloved by the world. It's about having a relationship with Jesus. it's about being salt and light to the world. Not about being political or carrying a torch that hurts others. Jesus didn't hurt other people he was revolutionary but not violent. He told the truth in simple terms, not in a bunch of convoluted words and phrases that the less educated people who followed him couldn't understand.
Those who were protesting should have been comforting and carrying those who were mourning, that would have been Christian.
That's all I have to say about that.
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Biblebasixeditor, Sorry, but Jesus did NOT leave us with ONE commandment. He left us with two. He said, " Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, your mind, your spirit, and your strength. That is the first and GREAT commandment." The second is love thy neighbor as thyself. The first one is listed first and Jesus called it great because without it, the second one is a waste of time. You cannot do the second without the first. You will get no flak from me about religion. You are right about that. BUT, you must always couple compassion for the sinner by also taking a stand against their sin. Part of loving them is hating what harms them. Remember, we are citizens of Heaven and we MUST be more concerned with the eternal consequences than the temporary ones of this world. Jase, I understand that not everyone agrees and you have been patient with me. Thank you for that, my brother.
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I am glad you understand my concern. Thanks for toning it down. I'd hate to have lost someone elses opinion because of that ;0)
Jase ;0)
J. Ruel - Gay Lesbian News Editor Check out the latest article on the Gay Lesbian SITE or Join us in the FORUM Questions? Comments? Story Ideas? SUBMIT THEM HERE Former Editor of the HIV/AIDS, HAIR, HISPANIC CULTURE, and GAY LESBIAN RELATIONSHIPS sites here on BellaOnline!
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