Hello! I'm glad someone finally posted something here.
I can relate to your situation, because I tried for five years before having our son. In August of 2000, I had an early miscarriage. It was the first one I've had (to my knowledge). Before that we had tried Clomid for two months and nothing. I gave up. <img src="/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
But then I had the miscarriage, and it actually perked me up. Like the Dr. pointed out "At least we knew I COULD get pregnant". After my body healed from the miscarriage, we decided to try Clomid again (approx. 2 months later). The first month it didn't work, but the second month it did!
THat's how I ended up with my rambunctious two year old.
On a side note, when my son was four months old, I found out I was pregnant again--this time with no fertility drugs. As a matter of fact, I was on the pill. Go figure!
Take heart in the fact that you came close, some infertilty women never conceive at all. Maybe you're problem is a hormonal thing, like mine was. That said, are you sure you want to wait so long before giving Clomid a shot again? My doctor said the left over pregnancy hormones might actually help you conceive (they did me...which is why I have a 2yr old and a 11 month old!)
I'll send some baby dust your way! :kiss: