I just wanted to take a minute and tell those of you who have hung around even during my absence due to illness a big thank you! I have also greatly appreciated the cards and well wishes.
I'm finally feeling better and plan to start getting back in the swing of things. LOL I'll bet my hubby is SO glad to hear that! <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> I think he finally understands how tiring being a mommy to four kids can be.
Feel free to send me recipes and/or suggestions this year. I would like to create a reader's corner this year on the Soapmaking site. This would be an area full of recipes and tips and tricks sent in by readers.
The soapmaking community can sometimes be harsh with one another and this is not a feeling that I'm eager to promote. I am looking for an area that will promote unity and harmony and a true sense of community. When we have a company that is ripping people off, we need to share that info instead of letting our fellow soapers share in misery. When we find a great company, we need to share that too. This world is big enough and affords enough opportunity that there is room for each of us. In the end, what you put out will come back around to you.
I also hope to have an award created for those crafter's in Soapmaking and/or Supplier's. More details about this will be available soon.