I am resurrecting this thread due to the impending celebration that is Valentine's Day. I read this recipe in Glamour recently, called "Engagement Chicken," which, while not necessarily romantic, always ends up in the man proposing to the woman who has made it.
Basically you take a whole chicken, spice it, cut lemons in half, squeeze and rub them all over the chicken, then stuff them inside the chicken. Put the chicken inside the oven for I think 45 minutes at 350F. Put some asparagus on the side (or boiled small potatos). Voila.
I personally think that sexy foods are:
- finger foods
- strawberries dipped in chocolate (make sure you buy cooking chocolate, regular hershey's melts with lumps)
- whipped cream
- anything that can be eaten gracefully (i.e. if you're worried about first impressions, never order ribs, chicken or spagghetti on the first date).