My name is Krista and I'm writing a book for and about part-member families. It seems to me that the experiences of such families have their own unique problems and joys that are not often addressed in our mainstream LDS church culture. I'm looking for anecdotal stories from church members who belong to such a family. If you would take a few minutes to email me with answers and anecdotes to the following questions I would be most grateful. Of course, your story and answers will remain anonymous if you wish it.
1-Who isn't a member of the church in your family (sibling, parent, spouse)? How do they feel about the church? Antagonistic? Supportive? Apathetic? How do you respond to their feelings and judgements?
2-Do you include your non LDS family member in traditional church activities and faith exercises such as family prayer and Family Home Evening? If yes, how do you do it and what do you do? If no, then why not?
3-Do you feel you have a good understanding and knowledge of the Atonement? Or do you wish your gospel knowledge was on more secure ground?
4-Do you feel received and understood at church? How have church members supported you and your family? What have they done that presented challenges for you and your non LDS family member(s)? What do you think the church and its members could do to improve the situation for you and your non LDS family member(s)?
5-If you have children and are trying to raise them in the LDS faith what are your concerns, frustrations, and challenges? Do you try to integrate your spouse and their spiritual views, or do you insist on teaching only mormon doctrines?
6-Did your spouse/sibling/parent join the church after many years? Or do you have hope that they will join "in this life or the next." How do you keep a "perfect brightness of hope?"
7-What would help you the most:
a) how-to on integrating non lds family member with your beliefs
b)ways to support and strengthen your own testimony
c) a book explaining your unique situation for those in the church that aren't as aware?
8-What concerns do you have regarding this situation?
9) What joys and beautiful moments have you experienced with your non LDS family member? How has this experience strengthened you as a person? Do you feel it has helped you become more compassionate?
10) How do prayer, scripture study, and teaching moments help support you and bring peace to you and your family's lives?
11)Anything else?
Answers and anecdotes concerning one and/or all of these questions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time and consideration.