Oh, yes, please, do seek advice from your medical provider. I knew a young person with late stage breast cancer. (this happened in the UK) She was at the stage when she was clutching at straws and seeking help from anyone who told her she could be cured. She went to a 'spiritual healer' who told her she only had to BELIEVE and change her focus and attitude, and he would heal her, because really, there is no such reality as cancer. She fell for the whole nine yards, hook line and sinker, and just late last year, when she became so ill she had to go into palliative care, she had the added horror of being told by this 'person' and those who recommended him, that she was dying because she didn't have faith, and was in fact, killing herself. She died in September, still wondering what she'd done wrong and why she failed. I can't begin to tell you how I feel about these kinds of 'healers'! They don't heal. They destroy! Melwyn