2 years post op & I am doing very well. I no longer suffer from heavy painful periods. I no longer have to stay in bed because of being in so much pain and very bad flows. I don't get that irritable like I used to anymore either and my family is very thankful for that. I only have very light brownish spotting on some months and I have kept a calendar of when I would have gotten my normal period so I know that I am having a period, just a very light spotting maybe on day 1 and nothing more. I hope all the ladys that are still having trouble after Novasure get better. It took me 3 months after novasure to be without periods. The 1st 3 months were light bleeding then it stopped to spotting on some months not every month. Novasure worked super for me and I don't regret it. I only got sick after the procedure because of the anestesia. I threw up once and that was it. I was in a lot of pain for about 6 hours but I only took half a vicodin because I dont like taking meds-after I called my doc she said i needed 1-2 vicodin. After taking the full dose, I was fine. After day 3 I was fully recovered. Discharge lasted about 3 days but was not heavy at all. Hope this info helps for anyone considering the Novasure procedure. I researched a whole year before I did it so yes I suffered an additional year just to make sure it was safe and right for me. And it helped to know my obgyn had done several for a few yrs before I did it. She has a great reputation and I sure did look her name up for any complaints from her patients regarding the procedure and found none. I know there is a website where you can find the stats on the procedure as far as bad outcomes and why.