I just read that she may get a "reality" show out of this. If that happens I will call the network to protest! The media should be ashamed of themselves for covering this woman the way they have. It's only adding fuel to the story and her story sends such a poor message. She's selfish and irresponsible and obviously not of sound mind. And of course, she will be comepensated for it. I guess, in this country if you screw up enough you'll be rewarded. Unreal!

I just am having such a hard time with this and the publicity it's receiving. The welfare of the children is paramount and this woman only cares about her own needs. No wonder her parents have had enough. As far as Angelina Jolie goes, she is promoting herself as well. I do applaud the charity work from them but after awhile you have to ask yourself some questions. I have a difficult time with the lavish lifestyle they lead. Tone it down a bit..stop flying around the world and give your kids a base. You don't need 10 mansions..it's a bit too much to deal with. And now we have a woman who will get her own show out of this. I've had enough of these people!!