is where i most often recommend, because they have those podcast tutorials and the most complete reference to terms. If you have particular questions, i'd be glad to answer or link you to the answer.

Unfortunately, there isn't really a way to "learn to read patterns" like you'd learn to read a language like Spanish... everyone learns pattern terms and pattern-writing-styles as they go and as they need them for their projects... or you're just not likely to remember them. I've knit long enough and seen so many different styles, i know a lot of the obscure terms and facts, like why a yo and a yf are really the same thing, but one is notated by continental knitters and the other by British style knitters... and it only took me 20 years to figure it out! LOL. laugh

There are so many different kinds of knitting, that even most experienced knitters are specialized. They might know cable knitting very well, for instance, but not know lace knitting and color work. I would just try to learn what you would most like to do, and not try to learn stuff that you don't like as much. If the sky's the limit, what would you like to be knitting? Because you'll be surprised how much you can advance your skills in a year, if you just knit a little bit every evening! If you linc to me a picture of a pattern you think is really great, maybe i can get you started in the right direction.