hey they give inmates in prison viagra... the flood the meda with sex...come on now a commersal selling colon for men witha sexy young mucaled up man thats half dressed? I dont know about the men but he could smell like drity socks and i would not care!!! and who doesnt want to look like the Cover girls? teens are starving them selves because they want to be thin and popular and lets face it when was the last time you saw a fat chick get the guy in a movie or tv show? how bout make cheerleader? or Prom Queen? or even pretty cloths that dont look like teepees or grand ma? SEX= love= skinny no one thinks about brains=sexy? gee thats a thought albert Instiane= Nick Cage??!!!,,, no one makes that conection.
where does this led 5yr old dressing like britny sprare men thinking 9yr olds are 18 and 10yr olds haveing babys... men thinking women are for sex only women thinking they have to fix in the model mode to be loved and if the man wants sex them he loves me as long as i put out and look good... kids growing up with daddy of the day because the mom slept with so many men the state cant run enough DNA test to find the real dead beat dad. men feel useless and unwanted so they give up and live with the women with the most kids= goverment money. women figures out that more kids=$$$=man stays longer= man loves her welcome to america!!! Land of the pregent and home of the poor!!! goverment and rich take control game over!!! divid classes give the poor money to cure ALL problems give the rich tax cuts and the middle class gets poorer and falls into the lower class. comunisim begans.