Some people are insensitive to everything, and if they have never been through a bad hurricane they do not have a clue. What I have been hearing in NW Fla is "why didn't NO have a plan (the powers that be), and why didn't the people do something to help themselves beforehand?" When we hear of a storm entering the Gulf of Mexico, or sooner, hotel reservations out of town are made by those affording it, cars are gassed up, gas cans filled for generators, the grocery stores get in extra hurricane supplies, food,ice, water, batteries. There is a routine and everyone just does it and then waits for the storm to decide where it is going. If we feel we need to evacuate we get the hell out of dodge, early if possible. Find somewhere for the pets if you can't take them with you. It is a judgement call and it is better to be prepared and not need to take action, than to be caught at the last minute in a desperate situation because you did nothing and hoped the storm would go someplace else. After seeing what Ivan did to my house and neighborhood, I would put my cats in carriers and grab my birds in their cages and strap them all to my bicycle and pedal my way inland before I would stay and risk my life and theirs. People along the Gulf Coast should have some sort of mandatory hurricane preparation; we do it here automatically. We know when the storm leaves, there might be no electricity but ice and water will be coming, and MRE's if needed. Able bodied people need to make a plan for their families, so the sick and elderly can get the help they truly need. Find out the flood zones and lowlying areas, and evacuate SomeWhereElse! Even a few miles can make a big difference. I am hoping some of the negative crabs will change their tune when a little time has gone by; a month from now money and donations are still going to be needed. I heard from my Mom the church has 100 school children that have just arrived, in need of uniforms. After I finish TCB at the uniform store, I am shopping for the items requested by the church. Just thinking about doing this gives me a big warm fuzzy all over and I can't wait til today gets here.