Thank you fo your kind words CDMohatta, but I assure you, openly, in public and with sincerity, you are mistaken.
I have spoken to Alexandra.
I have even met her now. We met each other in London, and spent the afternoon together. She lives in a Town called St Albans, I live with some friends, in Twickenham.
She is 50.
I am 45.
She has children, I do not.

In many ways, we are very similar, and we both think that Karmically, we have been brought together.
She is half Italian.
I am completely Italian.
But there is much about us that is NOT the same.

I submit to your right to believe whatever you wish to believe and I thank you for your concern.

With Metta.

"Things are not what they seem.... Nor are they otherwise...." (Lankavatara Sutta)

"The purpose of Life is simply, to be happy, and to make others happy." HH the Dalai Lama.