An odd ideas for an equinox
Egg balancing
There is an idea that makes the rounds each year: on the vernal equinox you can get an egg to balance on its end on a flat surface. Balancing an egg seems to be an old custom in some parts of China. If done on the first day of spring, it's said to bring good luck. But someone in America decided to apply it to the vernal equinox. These people claim that the egg only balances at that time because the day and night are equal, and gravitational forces are in balance. Others say that it works at both equinoxes, but it's usually associated with the spring.
The equinox does not affect the gravitational forces on the Earth. In fact, even the day and night are only approximately equal. When day and night are of equal length it's an equilux, and local factors determine that happens.
If you have the patience – and nothing better to do – you could get an egg to balance on the vernal equinox . . . or the autumnal equinox . . . or any other day of the year.