Good Morning Coffee Friends

Mona, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fireworks!
So I am back from my week long journey to Phoenix, Arizona. My daughter went with me, and we stayed with friends the first two days while I attended a seminar on energetic mastery

Yes, it was as exciting as that sounds!
The rest of our trip, we stayed with friends at the other end of town. One day, we even went to Sedona - which truly is a new age fest gone wild!
So these friends of our introduced us to the Kuerig Coffee make - you put in a single wee container, and it brews one cup. OMGosh was it ever delicious, but I figured our monthly coffee bill would increased by about 5 times what it is now. Hmmmm.....
Anyway, I went for over a week without writing. But it was for a good cause. I may or may not get my novel done this month - and whatever is good

I'll get to spend some time with it today, and I'm looking forward to that.
I hope everyone's November is off to a great start!! I'm having a hard time believing it's nearly half over??? What????