Good Morning Coffee Friends
Wow! We've been a busy group, writing, shopping, cooking, appointments, and all.
I plan on doing all of those today LOL!
My bathroom is doing very well - and of course, it's super sparkly clean LOL!! And my back is finally feeling better. I am very happy about that
Today I'm taking my aunt to the doctor's and then I think we'll hit Hobby Lobby on the way home, and get lunch. That will make her day a very full day, she'll get to spend some money, and get all the attention from me that she wants. And that will make her much more amiable at home LOL!!!
Yesterday my hubby and I celebrated our 25 year wedding anniversary! He took the day off, and we had such a nice day together. We met when I was 20 and he was 24. We've been together over half our lives!
I did get some writing done yesterday too - I wrote a blog for my personal website, and got a couple of newsletters out - so that made me feel good.
I guess I'll get to it. I've got 2 1/2 hours to myself before I go get my aunt.
I hope everyone has a great day!!! XOXOXOX