I got to talk to my granddaughter (one of them) last night. They live in HI and I live in the land of Oz...She (my granddaughter) answered the phone and recognized my voice!
Yes...I'm still smiling... I'm glad you had a great convo Allyson. It makes the world a better place to connect with those that you love. You doing ok?
I am so glad to hear that Allyson. Really. People underestimate me because I'm quiet...but...Don't underestimate me because I'm quiet. I know more than I say. I think more than I speak and I observe more than you know. Putting that on a t-shirt!
Hi Ladies That was so awesome that you got to connect with loved ones. Jana, I have noticed that you're quiet, but have definitely always thought you were someone who should never be underestimated!
Allyson, it's wonderful to see you back!! I'm glad to hear you are doing so well
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