OK I last reviewed my long-term goals in November, so I'm due for a refresh. I had:
*Earn my bachelor's degree
*BellaOnline < 30 empty sites
*Have zero messages in all queues
*House organized
*Native American wedding book complete
*Earn $3000 from romance novel sales
*Have 15 medieval books published
*Do shoulder press yoga pose
*Body fat at 16%
*Play moonlight sonata on piano
*Play dueling banjos on guitar
I'm enjoying my murder mystery novels that I did at NaNoWriMo and want to continue that, so I want to add in
* Have 5 murder mystery novels published
My bachelor's degree is only a few months away! It's so amazing that it is near completion

The "house organized" one strikes me as just too vague. Goals have to be specific to work. That isn't specific at all. How would I measure it? How about "have floors and counters clear of piles" - *that* sounds good. That's a specific thing I could aim to achieve.
I am just not making progress on this native american wedding book. I was fired up when the new publishers took over, but then I've heard nothing. There was supposed to be a big push for a relaunch right now, and I haven't heard a peep despite sending them messages. So I'm losing energy again. Which is a shame because I did a TON of research for it. I wonder if they lost traction again. I wrote them on the 21st; I'm trying again right now.
OK so my new goal list is this -
*Earn my bachelor's degree
*BellaOnline < 30 empty sites
*Have zero messages in all queues
*Floors and counters clear of piles
*Native American wedding book complete
*Earn $3000 from romance novel sales
*Have 15 medieval books published
*Have 5 mystery novels published
*Do shoulder press yoga pose
*Body fat at 16%
*Play moonlight sonata on piano
*Play dueling banjos on guitar
I feel good about that!
How are you guys doing? Have you reviewed your long term goal list recently? The aim is not necessarily to hit all those goals, but to have "direction" to aim your short term goals at. You want to make sure the things you do short term actually serve your overall dreams in life.