Summertime is a great time to review your five year / long term goals. That helps you keep your life on path with your shorter term projects!
I am now a senior in college which is great! The final stretch!
I'm also about to publish my 9th medieval novel out of 10. That is amazing to me. It was only last winter when I began publishing them. This has been on my to-do list for decades! Hurrah!
So five year goals DO WORK. They help give you a way to aim for things.
Yes I haven't been practicing my guitar or piano. So this helps me to reevaluate those. Are they important to me? Maybe not? If so, what are the hurdles? My guitar is right there on the all. It's hanging there ready for me. Heck, maybe I should take it down right now! Yes!

And then when you have your five year goals posted, it's time to move along to the
One Year Goals