So I wanted to get an idea of what people's favorite band(s) is/are. My all time favorites are Metallica and My Chemical Romance. In fact for the past six months I've had S&M playing in my car and I absolutely love it!
I'm old school too - Guns N Roses (the old lineup, not the current joke of a band) Skid Row when Sebastian Bach was still around, Iron Maiden, "old" Metallica.
The Japanese visual rock band X-Japan is awesome too. You guys should check them out if you've not heard of their songs.
When I was young it was Guns N' Roses. It is sad that they broke up but at least they did not end up doing albums that sucks like Metallica. I love Metallica up until the Reload album, after that their music is awful. Jason sure picked the right time to leave.
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