A great article Nikki, and how refreshing to see a balanced and reasoned viewpoint on breast feeding that addresses the facts as well as the opinions.
Having chosen to breastfeed both my sons, 101 years ago, am not convinced anyone would actually want to do so in an �exposed� place rather than somewhere comfortable, if there was an available alternative. However occasionally it just �has to be�, and then dealt with discreetly am not sure where the problem lies. Although deliberate provocation through �sit-ins� or whatever probably does not further the cause, even in the eyes of some breast feeding advocates.
There are acts, and ways of behaving, which are carried out openly and are probably far worse for those in close proximity to be exposed to, yet for whatever reason they do not cause quite such a polarization of opinion as something that is natural and normal��.and in many cases simply a necessity.
Francine A. McKenna - German Culture Editor
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