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Thank you all for such wonderful responses! I would love to answer each of you individually, but with both of our laptops down, I'm using the iPhone which is rather time consuming.

It may seem as if I'm hanging on to the past and all of the negatives, and I can see how it can look that way! Truth is, I've always believed that everything is okay and that all happens in devine order. Then I got sick...I woke up to an influx of things that are going on in our country...and I got angry! I felt so nieve, used and valueless in society. The bottom dropped out of my life. But I have a strong spirit, and my anger worked as a refusal not to lay down and die. I would not let these negative forces take my life
away! My illness has been a wonderful gift in so many ways. It was my illness that
brought my soulmate into life.

We are now part of an amazing program that matches home seekers with home
owners who are in need of help. We are now living blissfully in an old farmhouse loft apartment with the owner, an enlightened woman and her beautiful dog who has adopted us as family, living in the main house. We pay a very modest rent and do yard work, haul and stack firewood, and any other help that she needs to care for her home and breathtaking 20 acres of wild land. Next week we will pick apples and share community time prepring them for apple sauce and apple butter. We live in perfect bliss on a country dirt road. But...always reminders of the lives we left behind... Good people suffering in bad city neighborhoods. "Beat Whitey Night", Black Panthers permitted to bully white voters-- it goes on and on. Then We see the element invading our peaceful state. You don't ever forget your past and those still living there...unless you seclude yourself completely from all the rest of society. We may be removed from it, but it still thrives.

If not for my hubby's and my strong spirits and belief in goodness, we would
not have created the lovely life that we have and cherish. But when one has been battered by illness due to environmental toxins; and the dark forces charging against the light, one grows weak, tired and vulnerable. In a sense,
jdefeated. But not bereft of all hope.

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Very well put!

Wishful thinking, it fairly up there with complacency in a way.

We can be kind or say, "That's none of our business" or maybe go to church every Sun. and pray for others, but effect in the end is what we put into it, whatever it is.

Someone once said, "God isn't a wishing well."

Maybe effect or effort, balance along with prayer is what can make the difference in a positive manner?

Karen Elleise
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I agree Phyllis.

Food or staples in the house, minimum of 3 months. At least not yet, I'm not getting put 5, 10, 15, years of dried food someplace.

I feel there are or will be panics of sorts. Some will react, some will not, but it will be panic you'll want only if you have to, observe from a distance.

While I was trying to get back to IL after 911, by the time I got back, my friends said, "Man did you miss it! Gas stations had lines out the wazoo, water on the shelves of walmart were empty. You almost didn't even want to go to the stores."

I was out east and said, "Everyone out there handled it just fine. Everyone worked together. What you did notice was that the restaurants were dead and the only reason I saw that was because my parents decided to drive me from the east to the midwest.

So, that's the type of panic I feel that aa great deal of the population can avoid if they just do a few simple things. One of which, just make a back up, have it on hand and know how to replace what you use, if you need to. smile

Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 09/22/10 12:14 AM.

Karen Elleise
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I am convinced more than ever, especially these past few years, there are certain individuals that - for lack of better words are "protectors."

They are stronger than they think and no one telling them this may even be able to convince them of it because their surroundings, just, well try them for awhile.

They are stripped of everything, every dream, every thing they built, but the key words are, "Once upon a time."

It's their strenght and fortitude, their hope that walks away because that's the only thing that makes sense.

Staying, being a part of the riots, racial surgences, political this or that, special interests, you finally realize, none of it is hardly real. Not really, just agendas of people who couldn't rub two dimes toghether if they weren't living off of tax paying individuals.

The people, they have power, no need for wars, just common sense. What we're seeing, now and you are proof of is that " PEOPLE are beginning to use their common sense and individual power to come together without permission and without getting tangled in what's in or out, and so forth.

Those things are simply called fads and 7 years from now, people will look back and just shake their heads like a worn out fashion.

What you are a part of is something that continues. It's working and effectively and regenerates without demands of this or that. It's a layer of energy that is procreative and you and your husband are a part of it.

We'll see more of this and the people who fight well they kind of end up falling like the sludge at the bottom of the sea. They may be boisterous and still have issues and agendas but the effects won't mean much because the rest of life and civilations, as we will see more and more of, will simply move on and join the bigger picture as well.

When people are stripped of everything, they are brought home. You are home smile

Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 09/22/10 12:47 AM.

Karen Elleise
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Ellise, I have been digesting your reply ever since you wrote it.

When somebody gets you, I mean really gets you, for the first time in your life, you get stunned. You cry a little from relief and joy, then you go back to being stunned. You've put my life purpose into words...something I haven't even been able to do.

LOL...now what? I feel as if I have just been given permission to...to...just *relax*, feel the joy of simply being alive, retire from protecting, and just breathe. Just trust that I am home. I've realized that I have no idea how to do this. I've worked so hard all of my life on my "mission." I don't know how to let it go...

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I think when I write something (in depth) I do a bit of the same thing, digest it, take a step back, breathe and then go, "Now what?"

I'm greatful for your meeting here. i know there are so many more, more, just more - they are out there, but it's, well it seems hard for them (myself included) to rear a head and say, "So I'm real? I have significance?"

Healers, visionaries, spiritualtists, leaders (true leaders) go through this thing...

So take an ocean and from the ocean they are lead into a large lake,from the lake they are taken into a river, from the river a stream down through to the beautiful current that's been designed for them - the perfect reflection of who they they are.

Healers and visionaries have a doubble wammy it seems because they are empathizers. So, they feel everything and lead with their heart.

In doing so doesn't mean that they will be protected from the elements and get distractedb asically with making other people feel good, regardless of the cost to them. They are selfless.

The channels of losing things that finally makes them pay attention to themselves really ends up bringing them to their orignin where they can now build incredible monumental building blocks that reflect everything they've felt in getting there, a satisfaction and final product of thier spirit living on.

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Yeah...wow. I'm so shaken by my massive losses...over the last 5 or so years.

First, all of the things I had to leave behind when I sold my house and moved away from the city. All of my Christmas decorations -- ornaments made from my little son sitting on Santa's lap and other sentimental ornaments and angels I had collected. My collection of cement yard items -- molded planters, my birdbath, conch shells. An antique corner chair -- all kinds of things. My neighbor later told me that people were dumpster diving for my things.

I lost my father, my relationship with my mother and other family members and my dog who had been with me for 12 1/2 years...then my health and my job.

Then I lost most of the rest of my belongings as I couldn't afford the payments on the storage unit any longer. The most painful is the portrait I had commissioned of my son. Such a beautiful rendering -- I thought it would be a family heirloom.

I feel the losses, yet at the same time I keep getting the message that they are only "things." Things come and go, and the world is filled with things. The message is "you don't need those things -- they are only illusions that had become burdens. Let them go, and you will get well."

For the most part, I have let them go. But I am still working on the ego attachment to them, just as Eckhart Tolle wrote about in A New Earth. How our egos become so attached to our "stuff" that it believes we are our stuff, and our stuff is us. In this belief, we lose who we really are. I am working out making the biggest hurdle of my life, as I break the cords between myself and my material possessions...in order to discover my true "self." I think that I am frightened to know that "I am real. I have significance!" But it's true that I need only the things that I was left with. Our apartment is furnished, and supplied with everything else that we need.

My husband has also lost everything, and tries to settle with it.

Your analogy of the ocean to the lake to the river then the stream is perfect. Here we are, standing in the same stream, holding hands and smiling, yet still not fully connected with where and who we are. This will take time.

And on a brighter note, it was just before I got sick that I wrote my novel. In it, I shed many painful things that were lurking in my psyche. My mother was portrayed in it, and I thought that if she ever read it, our relationship would be damaged for good. But the opposite happened. It opened her heart to me and we have begun to blossom as mother and daughter for the first time. My relationships with my siblings are also healing.

My hubby and I have the same illness, and it was our illness that brought us together. And now we have the chance to heal together.

I am also grateful that I met you here, Ellise and that we are connected in many lovely ways. You are a part of my journey and have given me more than you know. I shall be here to hopefully witness you finding your bliss, your *self.*

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Hi Shannon,

I wanted to tell you, I have been reading this post for the past couple of days, a paragraph at a time. There's so much passion, "real" - Soul, here. Do you know how much beauty that is? How rare? You are completely open and accessible and share what is often something oversighted or distracted from with this or that, especially these days with how easy it is to do just that, distract...

I read each paragraph and after each would walk for a bit or look at the sky and take in the next and the next.

Ironically, we have similar, on so many levels, experiences, down to the dumpster diving, letting storage units go and just watching as people take and when you think there's nothing left for them to take, there seems to be found a way to take...well, that pretty much sums up the past 5 years of my own living experience.

One of my first articles was, "Earth, did they say first or second planet on my right?" Meaning, man I feel like Allice in the looking glass. Not pity, just everything is so backwards and if you want to ride those waves, it seems like you need to take drugs, stay topical or go digital diving into the next worlds of illusion. There are so many...

I can see them and what's odd or perplexing is more the word I'm looking for, it's almost painful for people to put the digital down and deal - it's almost antiquated.

My husband goes into deep depression when he can't "fiddle" forget the pulse running through someone's veins, the wonders of the universe...it's just too overwhelming, but it's real. I see it in teens and unhappy relationships how easy it is to just send with a click of a button something that can ruin a person's life and as of late, push someone over the edge in that they can't emotionally keep up and just decide to end it all.

I've been working with a teenage suicide and she was the one that was real, not the environment that pushed her over the edge.

I think I'd like to write something on the art of letting go.

I think as much as we put our hearts into things, belongings, people, and I can totally relate to the commissioned portrait of your son, What's happening is that we are gifting bits and pieces of our Soul.

Where we come out of it is that our Souls are of infinite value - they churn and turn into a composite of both positive and negative experiences...((hugs))

Karen Elleise
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[quote=Phyllis, Native American]Very well written, Ian. It makes a lot of sense to me. In our society today there is too much focus on the negative and not enough positive thoughts. If more people focused on change for the better the energy will grow and bring about change. [/quote] how does that work, i mean the energy thing? i dont know of any proof of this i guess if anyone could do this we would all be living in mansions lol

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I've seen two sides of this process and I feel it really takes balance.

I see/observe, tired people. They've lost so much it's difficult to (to me anyway) to ask them to do any more emotionally than they are already doing. They are frustrated and tired of hearing, especially with elections, political junk in desperate times. It may be positive for them just to get up in the morning.

I see negativity with people, angry people who are encouraged to claim what they feel they are entitled to. I think they are called "pot stirrers."

I see/observe a HUGE movement to be constantly positive and in my opinion it loses its flair after awhile. This type of positive glosses over real issues, turns the other cheek, constantly and is accepting of laziness, rudeness, attitude (poor) attitude, defensiveness and lately alot of news with police work and race. There's a general move to imply any policework involving race, well it must me that the police men/women are racist not that someone in a car instigated an arrest, attack and unfortunately under some circumstances, death.

On the other hand, I've seen a different kind of positive energy where the best way I can describe it is you can see a literal glass either half empty or full. I hate that analagy, but it's all I can think of right now. Basicaly, when you see all things or just things in general in a certain way, you make decision based on that perception. Energy can be sensed by others as well and that energy can cause a reaction.

So, you may hate your job and feel hopeless or someone else in that same job, sees that "bumble-dudie" job as a stepping stone and views the people they meet as an opportunity and they actually end up being solicited for an opportunity 1000 x's better than the job they have currently.

There's more to it, but this is already a novel, lol

Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 10/19/10 12:13 PM.

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