Fall is a perfect time to revisit long term goals, as we all go "back to school" in our own various ways!
I was just looking at my five year goals -
* BellaOnline at 90% Editor Capacity
* House Organized
* Native American Wedding Book Complete
* One Romance Book Published
* Earn a Bachelor's Degree
* Advanced Yoga and <130 pounds
* Proficient at Piano and Guitar
I am thinking of self publishing my first romance novel so that may actually be done within the month! That's an exciting change of perspective for me. I have in essence given up on convincing Harlequin that my no-sex style is a good match for them

I will find my own audience!
I'm doing well with daily yoga, an hour each morning, so I think I need to define the "advanced yoga" more explicitly. I'll go talk in the yoga forum about that.
Does anyone else have some tweaking to do on their long term goals?