I have just finished revisiting my overall life priorities in the
Priority Setting Thread. Now that those are re-set, I am ready to tackle a revisiting of my Five Year (long term) goals.
Previously my five year goals were:
* BellaOnline Growing!
* Next Weddings Books Published
* One romance book published
* Son graduate from college (only a few classes to go)
* House organized (day by day!)
* Yoga and Piano
* 125 pounds
* Earn a Bachelor's Degree
As I look at these now, some of them are a little vague. So let's see what I can do to be more specific.
* BellaOnline at 90% Editor Capacity
I think that's more specific, and it's what I care about. I don't have a specific traffic aim, because every site is different here. Our aim is on editor growth and training. So we want to help as many editors as we can. I don't think it's realistic to aim for 100% full sites because editors have babies, they get married, and there will always be a reason they need to move on sometimes. I think 90% is reasonable as a goal!
* Native American Wedding Book Complete
I think that's more realistic. My publisher is having problems and I am hoping they will pull through it. So I am content to wait for the book to be published - but I should have it *finished*.
* One Romance Book Published
I have six written and another 3 almost done. I will continue to keep the cycle going of sending them out to publishers. Sometimes there's an **8 month** turnaround time before I find out if they're going to use it, so that is frustrating. Right now I only submit to one place and wait for a response. I feel that's ethically fair, but I need to look at other options I think, otherwise this could take decades.
My son is just waiting for his graduation processing to complete, so that is great! That's off my list

* House Organized
Some days I think this isn't even possible. I've been trying for so long. But I think things are getting better. It is really important for my long term health and time efficiency, so I need to leave it on here and figure something out.
* Piano and Guitar
I did learn how to play guitar, so that's cool! Now I need to find time to work on that and to play on my piano. One issue is I can't GET to my keyboard because piles of junk surround it. Very sad. So something to work on. Plus I stole the keyboard's speakers to put onto my son's computer. Hmmmm.
* Advanced Yoga and <130 Pounds
I used to say 125 pounds but I don't think an exact number is necessary any more. I am at 128 and am very happy. I feel no urge to fight for 3 pounds just to hit a certain number. I want to stay active, to do yoga, to start doing land aerobics rather than water aerobics. So this seems better. But then again it's more a maintenance than a goal. I should have something to work TOWARDS. OK I updated it to say "Advanced Yoga" which means I want to be able to do poses I can't do now. That sounds like fun.
As a side note I just had my annual checkup and my doctor is thrilled with my blood work and everything else. It wasn't bad before, but she just reiterated that I am doing so well and I should keep at it, that others would love to have my numbers. So low carb is working!!
* Earn a Bachelor's Degree
I'm so thrilled that I'm entering the final classes of Year 1!! Only about 2 more years to go! It was very challenging, but I'm doing it and maintaining my straight As. I am very happy I started towards this goal. I am learning SO much which helps me daily in what I do.
So those are my new, tweaked five year / long term goals - and I feel very happy about them!
Hmmmm. Should I add anything else to them? Let me ponder ...
I think as an overall set this is a good start! As I pondered I started to think about making goals for EVERY site I run, and I do think that's a good idea, but I think that should be separate from these core goals.