Hey there. I just registered today. I've been married for 5 years, and I am 24yrs old. Zero kids. In fact, I just recently confessed to him that I actually don't want children, and he was THRILLED. He has felt that way for a long time, but I clung to the fantasies I had as a little girl/young woman for a while after we got married. It never ever caused any tension. But after a lot of soul-searching and honesty, I have decided that I'd much rather spend my life loving, cherishing and pampering my husband than raising a family. As one MNK woman to another, what would you say is your most honest reason for deciding to go CF? My husband's most important reasons are the fears of raising a loser, and the financial burdens. Would you like to share yours? I'm curious about all the different ways women/men/families come to this important and exciting decision. :)