I second everything Michelle said, lol!
As you sort through everything, if something has so much sentimental value for you, wait forty eight hours.
If, after forty eight hours you are so relieved that you didn't sell it, then you can do the happy dance.
If, after forty eight hours you are so ready for that item to be out of your RV, then you can still do the happy dance, lol, and mark it for sale.
Is your dog crate bulky? I definitely think you should keep it in case of an emergency, like Michelle said.
But, they do make relatively inexpensive collapsible dog crates that store nicely--as it they fold up into a nice little square, lol! Maybe it's something to think about down the road.
I do understand about not wanting to get rid of somethings for when you move back into a house. That's not a bad thought, especially as it'd be so nice not to have to purchase new dishes and such right after closing on your house.
Is there anyway that some of the items that you know you'll use again can be stored with Dan? You could also make a list of the of the items that you are not sure what to do with, and then note what it would cost to replace them when you do move into a house again.
I'm not sure what your time line is though--if you plan on being int the RV for a long time, then maybe it's best to sell things now.
Also, keep in mind that Target has GREAT deals on housewares and such!
Good luck!!