Thank you, Michelle.
Czarina, as moderators we are simply asking you to abide by the guidelines and rules of this forum. I don't want people to enter our forum and feel like they have entered a debate whether they want to or not. That's why the rules for debate threads were established. We want everyone to feel welcome here. It should be a soft spot where people can land and feel safe and welcome. We should extend our (virtual) arms to all who enter just as Jesus would to us (and to everyone).
This thread is more for answering questions than defending beliefs. This is to educate those of us that do not know much about Catholicism and to educate Catholics on why many Protestants view you guys the way we do.
Michelle is correct. I started this thread basically to link to my article,
Are Catholics Christians? The purpose of this thread is to answer questions relating to that article - as Michelle stated, to educate those who don't understand what Catholicism is and for non-Catholics to express why they view Catholics as they do. It's a thread to clear up misconceptions, to educate; not debate.
Peace in Christ