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91 Arrested in Disability Rights Protest
From Patricia E Bauer's website:
...They were protesting what they said was the Obama administration�s failure to honor its campaign promises to support the Community Choice Act.
The measure would provide people with disabilities and older Americans the option to use federal funding for community-based attendant services instead of just for nursing homes.

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The Disability Hierarchy, Equity and Advocacy

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Special ed teacher honored as National Teacher of the Year
Reported on Patricia E Bauer's website:
President Obama honored special education teacher Tony Mullen as the National Teacher of the Year for his work at the ARCH School, an alternative education branch for at-risk students at Greenwich High School in Connecticut. The school serves teens with emotional and behavioral issues ...

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IEP Preparation - Teacher Support

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New US Health Secretary Sworn In - BBC News
President Barack Obama has sworn in the new health secretary, the former Kansas governor, Kathleen Sebelius ...
... Republicans had delayed the confirmation over Kathleen Sebelius' support for abortion.
... Democrats said the post needed to be filled quickly as the government reacts to an outbreak of swine flu that has infected 64 people in the US. ...
... "We wanted to swear her in right away because we've got a significant public health challenge that requires her immediate attention," said President Barack Obama.
"We need all hands on deck," he said. ...

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Asking More from Medical Professionals

Pain Management for Children

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Patricia Bauer has a link to a disturbing story
concerning the Community Choice Act, an Op-Ed piece entitled:

Give disabled choice of home

Disability advocates managed to get Congress to introduce bills in each house that would end this institutional bias and give consumers real choices with the full range of options for living in the community. These bills, now known as the Community Choice Act (HR1670 and S683), were first introduced 12 years ago. ....The Obama administration has made reforming health care a priority. It would make sense to include the Community Choice Act as part of this process.
The disability rights organization leading the charge on this is American Disabled For Attended Programs Today. At a recent series of meetings and rallies in Washington, ADAPT members encountered a very unexpected and very disappointing roadblock.
A small contingent of ADAPT leaders met with Nancy-Ann DeParle, the administration's health care reform czar. After that meeting, those who met with her quoted her as saying that the Community Choice Act would not be part of the health care reform

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Teens with Disabilities - Transition to Adulthood

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Forwarded from Renee Beauregard:

The Fight is Not Over - End Waiting Lists for People with Developmental Disabilities


The fight to eliminate waiting lists for people with developmental disabilities did not end with our Change.org idea to fully fund the Medicaid Waiver program. We are now promoting a petition to end waiting lists.

Sign the petition at:


It reads:

A Resolution:

Health Care Reform Must Eliminate Waitlists and

Allow for the Continuation/Portability of Services Across State Lines

Submitted to the President of the United States and Congress


RECOGNIZE that across the country hundreds of thousands of people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities languish on �waiting lists� for services and supports and cannot move freely from state to state once they acquire services, as they then go to the bottom of the waiting lists in their new state;

RECOGNIZE that the failure to provide funding for vital and critical services and supports creates waitlists that require years to climb to the top of the list;

RECOGNIZE that the failure to provide services and supports can lead to the loss of skills, unemployment, isolation, and family crises including serious emotional, physical health problems and premature death;

RECOGNIZE that the failure to allow for the continuation/portability of services across state lines causes people to lose their supports when they move to another state because of job relocations, military transfers, or the need to take care of a vulnerable family member.

AFFIRM through signature of this resolution that our country�s laws must be changed and federal funds provided to help states eliminate the waitlists and authorize continuation/portability of services and supports;

SEEK SOLUTIONS and LEADERSHIP to solve this critical problem;

URGE the President and Congress to work together to eliminate waitlists and provide continuation/portability to services and supports to this country�s population with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in conjunction with health care reform.

To keep informed on this vital issue, email noewait'at'noewait.net with the subject, �Keep me informed.�

Mail completed petitions to PO Box FourOneOne, Parker, CO 8Zero134, fax to 3Zero3 689-9221 or scan and email to noewait*at*noewait.net

Help us to promote the petition on all social media. Our goal is to have 500,000 signatures in 6 months.

Please ask your friends, relatives and elected officials to support this petition no matter what their political differences may be.

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Disability and Future Planning for Parents of Children with Disabilities

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Here's a short report on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor's decision record on special ed cases - joining a unanimous decision might just mean it was an obvious legal decision, but it's still a good thing:

From Patricia E Bauer's Disability News webpage:

Examining Sotomayor�s record on special education June 12th, 2009
From US News and World Report: On Education Blog:
Staff writer Zach Miners digs through education decisions by Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor, finding a special education case that resembles one now awaiting final action by the high court.

In Frank G. v. Board of Education of Hyde Park (2006), Sotomayor joined a unanimous ruling that found a family could be reimbursed for private school tuition for a child with learning disabilities even if the child never received such services from the public district.

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Private Schools and Children with Special Needs

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President Obama marks Olmstead anniversary, launches disability initiative
From Patricia E Bauer's Disability News web site:
June 23rd, 2009 In a press release timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the Supreme Court�s landmark Olmstead decision, President Obama announced the launch of �The Year of Community Living,� an effort to assist Americans with disabilities.
The initiative is aimed at improving access for people with disabilities to housing, community supports, and independent living arrangements. The White House release pledged an increase in the number of Section 8 housing vouchers, as well as enhanced coordination between officials at the departments of Health and Human Services and Housing and Urban Development.
From the release:
�The Olmstead ruling was a critical step forward for our nation, articulating one of the most fundamental rights of Americans with disabilities: Having the choice to live independently,� said President Obama. �I am proud to launch this initiative to reaffirm my Administration�s commitment to vigorous enforcement of civil rights for Americans with disabilities and to ensuring the fullest inclusion of all people in the life of our nation.�

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Transition Planning for Teens with Disabilities

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Are you aware of preschool opportunities for children with special needs in your school district being endangered due to the economy?

Patricia E Bauer's Disability News website reports:
:Stimulus funds give special ed preschool programs a reprieve
July 1st, 2009 By Christina Samuels in Education Week ...

The federal stimulus package for education has revived some endangered early intervention programs for infants and toddlers with developmental disabilities ...
... The programs are not mandated by federal law.

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Early Intervention for Developmental Delays

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Disability rights leaders met with President Barack Obama, senior White House and other officials on July 24, in advance of the ADA 19th Anniversary ceremony and the announcement of the Administration's decision to sign and seek Senate ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

There is a summary posted on the down-syn list from one of twelve representatives of the disability community invited by President Obama to meet privately with him, Attorney General Holder, Secretary of Labor Solis, and senior White House officials.
Some of the topics brought to the table for Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis were: �priorities for civil rights enforcement at both departments, including but not limited to internet accessibility, Olmstead enforcement, reducing the waiting period for ADA complaints to be resolved, using OFCCP to enforce the affirmative action provisions in the Rehabilitation Act, protecting children from the use of aversives and restraints; and implementing a government-wide strategy to improve the representation of people with significant disabilities in the federal workforce.�
She also wrote:
�A significant portion of our time with the President was devoted to health care reform and the need to end the institutional bias in Medicaid, and the President offered to have Nancy-Ann DeParle and Peter Orszag and other members of his health reform team sit down with us in the next few weeks to discuss our ideas, including making the Community Choice Act a state option as part of the final bill that emerges from Congress ...� and �� we emphasized the importance of seeing disability policy issues as fundamentally about fairness, civil rights and human rights. We shared some personal discrimination stories and expressed our desire to work with the White House and agencies across the administration on a broad-based strategy to make progress between now and next July 26 ��
�� All in all, we felt that this historic meeting represented a very important step forward for our community and for the country.�

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Read more about the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) or World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) websites, or at RatifyNow.org
National Association of the Deaf - News
President Obama Honors ADA Anniversary
�The NAD was invited to a reception on July 30, 2009 at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in New York City, to commemorate the occasion of the signing of the CPRD by President Obama. Alexis Kashar, chair of the NAD civil rights committee, will represent the NAD at this event.�

National Association of the Deaf - Issues
More about the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
�On March 30, 2007, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and Optional Protocol were formally opened for signature at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. The CRPD is the first comprehensive human rights treaty of the 21st century. Several NAD representatives, including Yerker Andersson, Nancy Bloch and Alexis Kashar, were on hand to witness this historical event. �
� In essence, the CRPD is a shift from the medical to a human rights model of disability. According to the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), an international, non-governmental organization, �. . . linguistic and cultural viewpoints of Deaf people are strengthened by the Convention. The Convention is the first international treaty ever that recognizes sign languages and the linguistic human rights of deaf people.� ��

The NAD website blog/vblog page also has reports from advocates for the deaf community who were at the White House to celebrate the ADA Anniversary.

Pam W
SE of Seattle

Encourating Late Talking Children

Originally Posted By: SNC_Editor_Pam
Disability rights leaders met with President Barack Obama, senior White House and other officials on July 24, in advance of the ADA 19th Anniversary ceremony and the announcement of the Administration's decision to sign and seek Senate ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Last edited by SNC_Editor_Pam; 08/03/09 08:00 AM.

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