That is a very lucky dog

and I bet he is appreciative too.
I understand about the overloading yourself. I use to be a type A personality. I found it hard to even sit down at night before bed, always felt like I needed to be doing something. These days, I'm a huge slacker

But since it's me and my adult daughter in the home I don't feel the need to take care of everything and everyone now.
I learned to let go of the "shoulds and need to's".
You know... You talk about volunteering, but you already are really. You volunteer your time to this forum, and you volunteer your time to your dog, who would not be alive if not for you.And I am sure you volunteer your time to many others.
We don't always have to volunteer in a big way, just need to recognize the little times that we do.
It reminds me of my favorite Buddhist story, you've probably heard it, but it says so much...
A Buddhist monk and his student were walking along a beach one morning after a particularly strong storm the night before. The Monk was teaching the very adept student. Normally the student was attentive and easy to teach, but on this particular day he couldn't hold the students attention. There had been thousands of starfish washed up on the beach from the storm and as the Monk talked the student would turn, pick up a starfish and throw it back in the ocean. After many times of doing this the Monk became frutrated. He said "My son, look upon this beach, there are thousands of starfish for as far as the eye can see. There is no way you can make a difference."
The student smiled, picked up another starfish and threw it back in the ocean. he turned to the Monk and said, "It made a difference to that one."
We all want to do big things that make a big difference, but it is all the little differences that add up. If we try to make a difference to those who cross our path, that is more than enough.
I heard a quote once, and I don't remember who said it.
" A life that touches even one other life is a life that has been worth living."
It is the tough times that show our true merit.. and our true weaknesses. Odd how that works huh? I guess thats why we learn from them. We find out more about ourselves with each hurdle.