Oh GrannyH you make me laugh!Say hello to your DLH for me. You know, I'd recommend you join a quilting group, somewhere local where you can meet people with the same focus. You don't have to bare your soul at this group, but you will find that there's always lovely quilt friends that are good to be around. Let me tell you my story.
I've been quilting since 1976 (and lovin' it!) and I joined our state guild here in Queensland in 1994. Prior to that I joined two cottage groups that met twice per month. Anyway, in 2004 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma (the dreaded "C") and had to undergo chemotherapy for 8 months, followed by a Bone Marrow Transplant. The chemo protocol was 5 days straight of chemo followed by 3 weeks to get over it, recover and get ready for the next lot. This came to 40 days of chemo. So my darling quilting friends got together 40 little gifts. They gift wrapped them and arrived with them on my doorstep the first day of my 8 month treatment. They said that each day of treatment I was to open one present, the cheer me up and take my mind off what was happening. I simply can't tell you how much this meant to me. Not the presents, but the loving gesture behind the gifts. Little did they realise that the best gift they were giving me was their love and support.
When I talk about joining a quilting group - it's because we reap so much more from belonging to a quilting group - you're belonging to a common group of women who really care for each other. It all sounds very gushy I know, but I'm living proof that the sort of love and support you receive really can carry you through the tough times in life.
So go on GrannyH, join a group today, you'll still be able to make all those items you mentioned, but have some lovely times with other quilters along the way.
Even belonging to this forum is good for the soul. If you can't get out of the house to meet others, you can always have a chat and a cuppa here.
Cheerio for now