I should add, if your sensitivities are on all the time, it may be time to learn to control them.

Random psychic experiences are a given. Feelings or visions are simply tapping into universal consciousness we are all a part of, good or evil, positive/negative.

Because we're on a physical plane, though, constant states of Super consciousness are going to agitate us in that we are then relying on that particular sense, forgoeing the primary 5 which most everything around us manifests and continues to operate out of.

Fall classes will begin here in the next few weeks, I'll post a separate link here shortly.

Karen Elleise
Clairvoyance Editor
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Last edited by Eleise - Clairvoyance; 08/28/08 11:11 AM.

Karen Elleise
Clairvoyance Editor
Clairvoyance Site