I am a fence sitter- I never
really wanted children, I don't enjoy babies and few children ever charm me; I never pictured kids as part of my future. Recently I've begun to experience some serious worry, for the first time in my life, over the possibility of rolling the dice and gettin knocked up. I'm about to get married. My S/O & I have been together for almost 14 years and always agreed that we weren't about having kids. We are both only children, though he is part of a very large, very close extended family. Lately he has been saying that he always thought we would have kids one day. Part of me would love to have a big family like the one he comes from, and I would love to have another person like my S/O in my life. I also think he would be a great father, so in spite of my own ambivilance I am seriously considering giving in on this. I'm starting to feel panicked because we are 33 years old now. I am on the cusp of being considered a dangerous age for pregnancy- but what really has me scared is that the thought of being pregnant really kind of revolts me.
For as long as I can remember I have been disturbed by pregnant ladies. It just seems gross to me. I think they should stay home or something. I know this sounds ridiculous and childish, but it is a visceral strong feeling I have. It seems so inappropriate to me when I see a pregnant woman waddling around town...how can I possibly be considering joining their ranks? And everything
about pregnancy seems horrible. The very idea of something living and moving around in my stomach...queez... the swelling and spreading, broken veins and strech marks, ruined frizzy hair and sagging breasts- not to mention the gruesome changes I've heard tell of south of the waistline- hem'roids??? Tearing??? Blech! I don't understand how the OVERWHELMING majority of women are all too eager to permanently stretch themselves. It's like you're rolling around town about to pop, to burst forth with a bunch of slimy ooze, like a big zit. I would be so embarassed to amble around gut-first everywhere. I know I would not want to go out in public the whole time. Am I the only person who thinks this is yucky?
++I am so glad I found this forum where I can post something like this and not worry about being driven from the village with torches and pitchforks