I have a frend who is in her early 30's, gainfully employed and pregnant with her first child. She was married about 2 years (her first marriage) to a man who had been married 2 previous times. Her sister vented to me before the marriage that the family was not too keen on the man my friend was marrying.
Anyway, my friend is pregnant, we've had the shower and everyone seems happy and content. However, I recently found out that her hubby "hurt his back" and has been out of work for about 4 months now due to said back trouble. My friend drives 2 hours one way to her job...which, as I mentioned, is a great job. However, she is due this week and of course, when you are out on maternity leave in the states, if you have any leave at all, your salary is cut down to about 60% of what it was and after your weeks are up, your leave is unpaid.
I had no idea that this was going on with them as the picture that has been painted is rosy. If I were here, I would be freaking out, very upset etc. to be in this situation with a baby on the way. Husband with NO pay coming in and wife about to lose pay due to maternity leave. I am really concerned FOR my friend.
What I would like to know is if any of you know of people who are having children or who have them but their situations are not good (financially, residentially etc.) but these people seem oblivious to the pending turmoil? I could not imagine being in this situation with a kid on the way.