That's the hardest part of all - getting passed the doubts. The old programs and thought patterns are lodged deep in the unconscious mind.
I recommend starting with reading, listening and watching empowering books, tapes and programs. It takes effort to overcome the negativity out there.
The Law of Attraction is about belief too. The belief manifests itself in your plan. It's writing out your plan, affirming your plan and believing in what you're doing to make the plan a reality.
We don't always have to know HOW it's going to happen, we do have to know though what we want to happen. We have to be going in a definite direction or we'll just end up anywhere.
You have BELIEVE and EXPECT changing careers is a done deal. Without an ounce of doubt - that's the most difficult part. Changing the doubt into complete self-confidence.
It starts one step and one day at a time. Say positive things about your achieving your new career - not negative things.
Before you know it, you're taking giant step forward!
I believe in you!!!
Last edited by Sharon - Wealth Editor; 02/17/08 10:37 AM.