Hey, I'm only about a year late with the discussion. Did you read Ishmael? it deals with these issues. I am an artist doing research for a painting of such. In most readings, the Tree of Life is good, and the Tree of Good and Evil is what has corrupted mankind. I'm not sure I agree with that totally. The Unification Church sees the Tree of Knowledge as symbolized by Eve. Whereas, the Tree of Life symbolized perfected Adam....that's messed up too. I want to share, however, the most interesting theory I have come across...
Adam and Eve are one reality, Adam representing the physical self and Eve his soul. (Now that I can believe!) The Tree of Good and Evil is the very world we exist in, a world full of dualitites....The serpent represents attachment to the material world (maybe things like our looks, our cars, our status, our things...) - the true source of evil. The Tree of Life represents the manifestation of God - source of all spiritual good and the true nature of man is to be spiritual. Though, he is both body and soul, the body is the vehicle for the soul to progress through life acquiring the spiritual attributes he will need in the spiritual worlds of God. So, when we forget our true reality, we become so cought up in the affairs of the flesh that we neglect our souls, and not only succumb to evil, we bind ourselves to it. Were the trees real or just metaphors, who could know??????