Here's info on Therapeutic Listening: in case you haven't found it yet.
The website for Interactive Metronome (IM)is
www.interactivemetronome.comThe IM program is actually PERFECT for people with ADD/ADHD. It works on the underlying neurological processes of sequencing and timing. Most people find that they are much better able to multitask and sustain divided attention as well as better filter out irrelevant info after doing a course of IM training. The IM is a computer based program where you wear headphones, hear a metronome beat and learn how to adjust your movements to hit a trigger in time to the beat. Check the provider list for someone near you who is trained. Call and ask questions about it or ask if you can visit and have a pretest to see if you and/or your son would benefit. I do the pretests for no charge, so I don't need an order from a doc. If your son has AS he probably is more appropriate for IM. And it might just take the struggle out of the handwriting for him.
I find that if vision therapy is done right when it is actually needed then it has a wonderful outcome. But too often there are places doing vision therapy incorrectly on kids/adults who don't need it and so it has gotten a bad rap. Most of what is done in the therapy office can be done at home, although sometimes doing it at an eye doctor's office twice a week gets more substantial results in less time. Anyone who knows what they are doing will give you a home program and be able to tell you exactly what they diagnosed and why they are recommending vision therapy. Ask for references from satisfied patients. Good luck!