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If you have a cat or cats who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge and you would like to post a tribute and/or picture, please feel free to do so in this thread.

I will add my angel kitties very soon.

Melissa Knoblett-Aman
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I cannot bear my grief. Last night my precious 19 year old baby cat, Baby Uba, died in my arms.I feelas if I didn't do enough. The vet had said she was in the end stage of renal failure but did not advise euthanizing her so I took her home.

Around 12:30 AM, I picked up her and lay on the couch with her covering us both with a blanket. I prayed that God would let her pass in my arms. Now I wonder if I shouldn't have driven to a 24 hour animal hospital to have her put down. I am so guilt-ridden-I just didn't want her to have to be taken the 30 minutes by car to a strange hospital and to die under bright lights.

I stayed up holding Uba on my chest, she was meowing off and on and I gave her more pain killer meds from the vet. About 45 minutes later she was calm, ( I think she actually went into a coma), and then after about an hour I felt her body tremble as if she had hiccups. Her legs twitch hard twice and she passed between 4 and 5 this morning. I asked God to please take her while she was in my arms and that happened. I feel devastated and cannot stop crying.

I hope she is in Heaven and with those cats whom she loved in life especially Indy and Little Guy.

I am so sorry for rambling but I need to know that God does have animals in heaven and that I will see her again.

My guilt is overwhelming, I know I didn't do enough.


"Allow your dreams to become your plans."


Kristen Houghton
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Kristen, it sounds like you gave Uba a peaceful, comforting goodbye. That's the kind of end every human and animal (I presume) hopes for: surrounded by love, warmth, and familiar things. Please don't feel guilty.

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Oh Kristen, I cried when I read your post. I'm so, so sorry. We have lost three cats to kidney failure. It sounds like you did what you felt was best for your sweet Uba - and that is all you could have done. She was with you and that had to be better than going to a strange hospital after a 30 minute car ride. I wish to God my kitties who suffered kidney failure (and all those we've had to help cross over to the bridge) could have died in my arms rather than having to be euthanized.

You know we lost five cats within two years (and four of those within seven months), and with each one we lost I felt like I didn't do enough. Even though I knew Serena's cancer was too far gone for us to viably consider surgery and chemo, I still felt so guilty for not doing more for her. When Jordan was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure (at age 11) his creatinine was extremely high. I felt guilty for not doing blood work on him earlier - if only we had found about about the kidney failure sooner...

I think it's only natural for us to feel guilty and feel like we didn't do enough for our beloved kitties (pets). But we can only do what we feel is right for them. And really, we know our precious kitties best and I believe God gives us to strength to make the right decision and do what is best for them. Please allow yourself to let go of the guilt you feel. I think you did the right thing. It sounds like Uba passed peacefully wrapped in your love.

I truly believe in the Rainbow Bridge - and I believe our beloved pets will be in heaven and we will see them again. I can't imagine not seeing my precious angel kitties again. And I can't imagine that God wouldn't allow is to see our sweet kitties (and all pets) again. They are an important part of our life here on earth and I believe they will be with us in heaven as well. I don't think I could handle losing them if I didn't have faith that I'd see them again.

Kristen, please know you are in my prayers. I know this is a very difficult time. Believe me, I know. As hard as it is to lose our precious kitties, they do live on. Uba will always and forever live in your heart and your memories.

Melissa Knoblett-Aman
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Kristen, I'm so sorry to hear your sad news.
I remember every pet that was part of my life - so many wonderful memories.
I cried for all of them...
The decision to end your pet's life is so difficult - and once you make that decision - WHEN do you end his/her life?
It doesn't stop there - Did we leave it too late? Did we take the step prematurely? Did we give him a fair go?
There is no easy answer...it's just another manifestation of grief and loss.
For me, I try and remember the happy times and feel grateful that an amazing creature was part of my life.
I work in Japan on and off and love visiting their temples.
The Japanese have temples dedicated to the memory of animals and pets - you can ring a bell, light a candle and burn some incense while thinking about your pet - it's so comforting. When we lost our last beautiful cat, I couldn't get to a temple...I wasn't working in Japan at the time so, I made an altar in our home - put up some photographs, picked some flowers, lit a candle and burnt some incense - it really helped with the mourning process. It gave me a focus and an outlet for the pain and grief.
Buddhists believe that animals have souls...so do I...
Sending you cyber hugs Kristen.
I just wanted to add that dying peacefully in familiar and loving surroundings is the end we all want for ourselves and our loved ones.

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Myrabeth, Deborah, and Melissa,
I am so grateful to you all for your kindness and support. You don't know how much this means to me. I can't thank you enough.

You are so right about not knowing if the right decision is made. We always second guess ourselves.

Two of my babies,(Chipper, a dog and then Princess, a cat), soon after they had passed individually, appeared to me in a dream.Each time the one that had passed was at the edge of a meadow and looked healthy and young again. Each one turned to look at me and communicated that they were alright, then turned and went into the summery meadow.

Yesterday I saw a person on TV who ssaid that if you dream of someone who had passed, standing before a meadow,it means that once they cross the meadow they are in Heaven.I would like to believe this.

And, Deborah, I do so like the idea of temples dedicated to the meory of pets and animals. How very noble and fitting for these gentle creatures who only know how to give love.

Bless all of you.

"Allow your dreams to become your plans."


Kristen Houghton
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Kristen, my heart goes out to you. I, too lost one cat to renal failure and one to liver failure. We pet parents always do a good job of beating ourselves up over whether we did too little, too much, too fast or too slow. My last kitty loss was one of two siblings that I adopted together. Harvey was only 2 years old when we lost him to liver failure - and he went in his own time and on his own terms. We had taken him to the vet to find out what was wrong with him (liver failure is just as sneaky as renal failure in that when you know they have it, it is most-times too late for any cure to work), and I was in the vet's office preparing to ease him across that Rainbow Bridge like I had done with so many other animals before him (way to many and too often, I feel - but who am I to judge?). He died in my arms as we were getting ready to give him the sedative that relaxes them before the actual euthanasia. His sister still misses him horribly and has never quite come out of the funk she went into when he died.

Just keep loving them, giving them good homes and enjoying all they give to us - especially in the cold winter weather when a warm, purring lap cat works better than any sedative known to man to put me to sleep! Sooner or later we all have to part with loved ones, be they human or the furry kind. I know all my furry kids who have crossed that Rainbow Bridge are all waiting on me, and their earth-bound family group to be together once again.

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I am so sorry for your loss. Yes, I want to affirm you that you have done enough. You must have taken great care of your kitty as she lived to 19 years old (that's very old for cats). It is very easy to feel guilty and wished we could have done more. However, the truth is most of us have done the best we could or we knew how for our beloved pets.

I lost a kitty (she was 19) about 3 years ago due to thyroid issues and this year our 16 year old left for the rainbow bridge in January due to renal failure. With each loss, I spent much time beating myself up for not being a good mom. It seemed like I could always do more. As the time goes by, I slowly let go. I think at a very deep level, our animal kids knew how much we loved and cared for them. There isn't a day I don't think about or miss my kitties. However, I now believe that they are at a good place, and the timing/circumstances of their passing were meant to be even though it brought us so much pain.

Please hang in there. I know it's difficult especially going into a cold season. Just know that you are not alone, and your beloved kitty is not alone either. I am not sure about your spiritual beliefs. However, I truly trust that one day we will all be united with our loved ones again... 4 legged furry kids included.

You are much in my prayers. Take good care,

Last edited by Cara-Philosophy; 10/14/08 02:35 AM.
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I had a dachsund once who had seizures from birth. I didn't know this when I bought him as a pup. At first it was once every two months, then once a month, by the end it was 10 times a day. He got to the point he didn't know us and would try to bite. He could no longer go outside without assistance because he got lost only yards from the house. He developed ticks and jerks. We made constant visits to the vet,but in the end I had to make the decision to end his suffering. I would wake in the middle of the night to the sound of his tag jingling violantly against his collar and get up and hold him till it passed. Even today, 8 years later, I can't bare to hear that sound.
I had people tell me I should have done it sooner, but in my own heart I felt like I had failed him.
it is the guilt that comes when we have to make decisions and be responsible for a living being that can not be responsible for itself. When we know that life is in our hands.
But I try to remember what the vet assistant told me.... "for our pets.. it is not the quantity of life but the quality."
I know without a doubt Kristen that you gave the best quality possible, and I know that Baby Uba improved the quality of your life as well.
I am so sorry for your loss. I have no doubt she will be waiting for you on the other side.


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Caspian was a 'step-cat'. A feral stray who showed up on my back step about 9 months ago. A tuxedo boy, what LOLCats call a 'reverse-Kitler' because he had a black face with a little white moustache like Hitler.

Last month he came to the step with a horrible abcess on his face from a cat fight and he allowed me to clean it up with betadine and drain it and even give him a couple of doses of antibiotics. I tried to get him to the vet that time but in the effort to get him into the cat carrier all it did was burst the abcess and make him run away. (It turned out to be the best thing for him--getting that nasty to drain so I could clean it out.)

Well he was gone yesterday and I had a bad feeling about it. He showed up this morning on the step with a very badly broken back leg, just hanging there. Since he could not run away from me I managed to get him wrapped in his favorite towel and in the cat carrier to go to the vet. By the time we got there I could tell the fear was wearing off and the pain from his leg was starting. The vet was very gentle with him.

She took some blood to see if he had any cat diseases that would affect his treatment. He was positive for feline HIV.
She said it would cost hundreds of dollars to fix the leg, and it may not heal with the HIV, plus he would have to be in the house for weeks and I have 4 other inside cats--the risk of infecting them was great. She said also he was quite old--which I didn't know. So I made the decision to have him put to sleep.

He was wrapped in his towel and 'making biscuits' and purring in my arms and the vet gave him a sedative to ease his fear and pain. When she injected him he went quickly, before she had even finished the shot.

I have been crying all day and the dog and I walked in the yard without him following us--she kept looking around for him. We buried him with his towel under the oak tree with the other 'step-cats' who have come to us for comfort before they passed--kittens mostly.

He came to me sick. I gave him a name and cared for him for 9 months. He loved me. He loved being picked up and he would hug my neck. He loved being 'dried off' with his towel when it was raining out. He loved tuna. He even loved the dog and he would walk with us everyday-his little legs moving as fast as they could to keep up with a big Akita, the dog would stop and wait for him to catch up. He would rub under her belly and weave in and out of her legs. He would throw himself down in front of me and try to trip me for belly rubs. He would ask to be picked up and he would sit on my shoulder like a pirate's parrot when I sat on the step. He brought his female and assorted other strays in his clan for a bite to eat. He made it back home to the step even with a severely broken leg. He died in my arms.

I loved him, and he loved me. I know I did what was best for him. But I will miss him so much!

Caspian RIP


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