We will see how things turn out. I knew this would be a risk, it always is with any house mate, and i am sensitive, so this is part of it. But she also has many exceptional qualities and i believe she is motivated to working hard and being responsible and a good house mate. It's usually a little rough in the beginning with all housemates. It takes time to know what to expect from each other and get used to each other's quirks. It's a little like being married but with no engagement to get used to each other, haha.
I asked her today again about jobs to make sure she is progressing on her own needs, and she has been doing more than i was aware. She has also been told by my friend Mark that her work for him will begin the first week in October... i hope this is correct. Tomorrow she agreed to clear her things off of the porch and to help me put some shelves into her closet.
I considered all of the aspects in the beginning before making my decision. At present i'm doing my best to stay on top of things... in particular, communication and setting limits. It's just too early to tell.