I am not sure if I see God as both female and male in one or if I see God as neither one. I just think God is bigger then what most try to see Him as... It is like God has to be small and fit into something we understand and suits the majoritys needs. Back when the bible was wrote the majority that counted was men women were uneducated and seen but never heard. There are women in the bible and that speaks valumes about there charitor because most dont get mentioned at all and others have no name. But I feel like there is so much more that was left out because it did not suit the majoritys purpose... and it is not just about feminism or femanist views it is so much larger that words fail me.
it is like having a note card for a test you write down the highlights and stop when you run out of room but the real book is to big to put onto the note card.... If you dont read the book you have no idea what the note card really means. but by reading the book and not knowing the auther you misunderstand the book in someways.
like our post on this site... We type what we have to say but other dont really know us and may read the post differently and not understand what we ment or take offence to what we said, not because we ment to offend but because they do not understand how we talk in real life or what our personality is. it is just a flat dialog with no face or voice to help get the meaning across.
I think the Holy Bible as well as other books of religious importants are like this. We try to get to know the auther by reading the note card and we bring our history and what others have told us to believe and everything we have as insite and read the note card and in a way this is great but in a very real way this is not a good thing at all because it is so limited and convining when others tell us what we should or should not believe about the bible or any thing else for that matter.
I have noticed in some Pagan and wiccan sites that there is a real rift between Buckland, Cutingham, and Ravenwolf and many other troditions and then there is the ah...fluffy bunnies and the ah free thinkers that do what they want... (sorry I am not great at labels...) but at the heart of all the traditions it is basicly the same... the same with christians Baptist, Catholic, Mormon, Methodist, Nazerine, whatever....... we come from different places and read the same thing and and get something different. or we read different things and get to the same place. and it is sooooo simple but soooo hard for us to do.
Call it what you will Wiccan rede, Live and let live or the Golden Rule. so no matter the point remines: Weather God is male or female, black white or neon pink If we do not repect others and our selfs the whole issue of God is mute and by putting God in a box and saying oh God cant do that because that is not what the church or tradition believes...is only dividing us and our own hearts and minds on a very real and personal level.
so the real Question would be How Big IS god? I like to think God is this Great Big being that is big enough to look past the labels and the things that we as humans just cant understand and love us anyways. But I also see God as this being that takes a personal interest in my life and will get involed and help me help myself if I can just turn my life over to God. Why would I choose to turn my life over to some little bitty god that I can fulling understand and there for out think? or one that is so small that HE SHE IT cant or wont help- love- you because you did didnt said didnt say or have this label or that?
ok so that is the end of my sermon.... sorry I really do try not to preach....here.