I love sandalwood and lavender.
cinnamon and sage
I love things that are earthy and spicy with a touch of herbal!
although I do love Roses and lilacs I don't want to smell like a flower bush all day long because it reminds me of little old ladies and they tend to get sweeter and ranted smelling the longer i wear them so...
I also love peach and strawberries and vanilla scented but they tend to make me hungry... although my husband loves vanilla and banana stuff........
I have had a friend that made a batch of soap and she had no idea what she was doing so she mix a little bit of everything and it was the best stuff I have ever smelled in my life! It was light clean smelling with a bit of spice and a hint of rose and very earthy. she has no idea what she put in it and she has not been able to make it the same since!!! I would have got a patient and marketed the smell it was that great!