OK. Let's get down to a few grass roots here and stop talking in circles.
Let's examine some of the things Christianity teaches and then look at some actual FACTS.
You believe in a perfect Creator how is omnipotent, onmipresent and omniscient.
How then do you explain the fact that his creations are so imperfect?
What about children who are born deformed, and with shocking heart, blood, bone and other organ imperfections, even when their parents have not indulged in drugs or alcohol or been deprived of adequate diets? And how do you explain that many whose parents DID have these problems produced normal children in spite of the above conditions?
You believe that God is a loving parent who protects his children, who listens to and answers prayer. Who never turns his back on those who cry to him for help when they honestly love and believe in him. He cares for the weak and the helpless; he ministers to the sick and does not even miss one sparrow as it falls. As Jesus said, how much more precious are we to him. He is a just God.
I have proof to the contrary on every single issue mentioned above.
As a tinly child, not even 5 yrs old, I was horribly sexually, physically, mentally, emotionally AND spiritually abused in a ritualistic and depraved way by a Christian priest and one, at least, of his 'flock'. It continued every week day until I was 7.
Every night I prayed to my 'heavenly father' to please save me from these bad people. I pleaded, I begged, I cried out to this 'God' from the depts of my very soul.
Did help come? NO. Did 'God' live up to his bible profile and protect the helpless and innocent? NO.
WHY? Because there IS no God! Not the one in the Bible anyway!
But it doesn't end there. I went on loving and hoping and in faith to the point that I dedicated my life to God and served him faithfully until I finally 'got the message' when I was 41 yrs old, and then I left Christianity for ever.
The legacies of the abuse, which this loving 'parent' ignored and left me to suffer in spite of my cries to him for help, left me with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder)which was my mind's way of coping with the horrors I endured and helped me to survive, but this in istelf is a living hell. Only those with DID can possibly understand.
My life was ruined.
I fought with my own INNER strength to survive. I never ceased to be a loving person and that had absolutely nothing to do with God. If I'd depended on God for help, I'd be dead now!
I am almost 68 yrs old, and I've had plenty of life experience to learn from.
That's my story about my experience of God's love.
And don't tell me that the devil did it, because I don't believe in him either. The devil is just a cop out and an excuse that Christians and others use when they don't want to face hard facts about human nature.
Evil is like good. It is in each and every one of us and it is up to us to decide in which way we choose to develop. We can become 'Hitlers' or we can become 'Mother Teresa's'. We have the freedom to choose.