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Okay we can go on forever like this as this is a very emotional subject but I think I will leave it here as I have allready stated my opinion on the subject.
LONG LIVE PROCHOICE! <img src="/images/graemlins/beamedup.gif" alt="" />
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Adamant pro-life people, have you ever met a rape victim? can you say it to the woman's face, in her tortured eyes, that she should NOT have the right to abort that thing in her? It's not just 10 months of inconvenience. What a huge understatement!
A woman is not a breeding machine. After giving birth, she would still remember it, that she carried that reminder of the rape living inside her. You call that simple inconvenience?!
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I think every woman should have the right to have an abortion if they wish to do so
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Adamant pro-life people, have you ever met a rape victim? can you say it to the woman's face, in her tortured eyes, that she should NOT have the right to abort that thing in her? It's not just 10 months of inconvenience. What a huge understatement!
A woman is not a breeding machine. After giving birth, she would still remember it, that she carried that reminder of the rape living inside her. You call that simple inconvenience?! First let me say I am pro choice BUT THAT THING INSIDE HER IS HER OWN CHILD, lets be serious here not hysterical. AND yes I could say it to a rape victim. Hate the person who raped you, absolutely but the child is an innocent bystander in all of this. Why should the child pay the price of its life because the woman has to live in denial that it ever happened to her? AND before you say it, people say that being pregnant would only remind her every day of the rape. Thats laughable because I can tell you I didn't need to be pregnant to be reminded daily that I had been raped. Someone just had to grab me the wrong way, the site of a blond guy with blue eyes, or a certain tone of voice was all it took. That was 20 years ago, I still don't date blond guys. I find them repugnant. Maybe giving the child life would be a way to find something good out of something bad. I personally would keep and raise the child but think of the HUGE number of people out there wanting to adopt babies, there would be so many families to choose from to make sure the baby had a good home. AND YES I have been raped but mercifully did not get pregnant but I don't think rape is a good reason to kill an unborn child. I also don't think that using abortion as a means of birth control is a good thing either. If you get pregnant and don't want the child, are we all really so selfish that we can't give up 9 months of our life to give that child birth and give it up for adoption? How is it that childs fault that a stranger raped you, or that you forgot to take your birth control or that you got drunk and slept with someone you didn't know at a concert. The simple answer is that its not the fault of the child and frankly if your not willing to take responsibility for your actions then you shouldn't be sleeping around, of course this part of the statment is not aimed at rape victims. I think when a woman gets pregnant from rape, its understandable that she might not be able to deal with raising the child however, aborting the child so she can continue to live in denial it ever happened isn't healthy either. Children are not THINGS OR PARASITES that the medical profession should just throw away like so much garbage. I am adopted, my two neices are adopted and I have many friends who are adopted. Now today with how open adoptions are, its a good and viable option for an unwanted pregnancy. Just because YOU don't want that baby, doesn't mean that baby has to die.
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Lisa, you are very strong, but not every rape victim can be as strong as you are. If aborting the child in her helps her move on, why not let her have the choice?
Abortion may not always be because of denial. To go ahead and give birth to a rape-resulted child and give him/her up for adoption may be noble, but it is not what every rape victim is capable of. I admire you immensely for your courage and strength, but I think a woman should have her own choice in it. I really think it is too much to ask, for a rape victim to give birth to the child in her.
I know I'll sound horrible, but I think in rape cases, the adult woman is more important than the unborn child. Yes, I think so.
by the way, if you think a woman should give the unwanted child a chance, and give birth to it, you are pro-life, not pro-choice.
Last edited by kitty12v; 09/14/07 07:54 AM.
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That was funny...a man taking responsibility. Not even my son takes responsibility...I go to Family Planning and buy condoms for him. He's 18. But in all seriousness, he and others need to be more mature and ready to even have sex if they can't protect themselves.
My Foster daughter, whom we love as our own, just became pregnant. She came from a crack addict mother, her father deseased when she was a year old, no relatives to look after her at all while her mom was neglecting her and abusing her from the age of 5 till 15 when we rescued her from living in a car last year. Since then we've got legal custody with the state. We are meeting with social services, her attorney, the psychologist, us parents and her to see what steps she can take.
Our biggest obstacle is the cost for her to terminate. She wants nothing more than to do this for several reasons, some are personal to her, but some are: She has no idea how to be a mother, not being raised with one of her own.
She is focused on finishing High School and going on to a 4 year college right after she graduates. And she did use protection, it doesn't always work. And I do trust her when she said she used it as she came to me 8 months ago and told me she'd had unprotected sex and what could she do. We got the Plan B pill and she was ok. She's not a dumb girl but she could not handle carrying a baby to give it up, or keep it, or anything like that. Termination is her best option and she does have the right to it.
The only thing we're finding out is that you have that right ONLY if you are wealthy enough to just write a check to have an abortion. Which doesn't interfer for little rich girls and boys to go onto colleges and great careers.
And this poor girl who was born into a life that was against her from the start, who just now has her life turned around living like a normal teen...this isn't fair.
Where are all the Pro Choice Groups now? I can't find any to help us.
Even the Pro life groups...? Where are they if she has to have this baby? Are they going to pay for daycare the next 6 years of her life so she can get her degree and finally have a wonderful life like she deserves.
I honestly think the Bushies did this on purpose, it helps create a bigger lower class, it helps stiffle those creative and brilliant minds, that would otherwise over create and out think most of the "trust fund babies" who would have to actually work for good grades and compete with other students with functioning brains, and who know how to earn things on their own and not handed to them.
It's how we got this idiot in office...do you really think he was at the top of his class or any class? Don't you want your President to be smarter than you? I do.
Does anyone have an idea of places my daugher can apply to help her terminate her pregnancy?
She's a Junior in High School...this is the first time in her life she's gone to the same school 2 years in a row. Next year she will graduate. Also the school coach recruited her to play girls varsity softball too...an honor as our school were state champs last year. She really wants to play. This kid has 2 years of being a kid.
Help anyone? T
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I am a 2 time rape survivor. Both times, completely different, it wasn't because I was stupid, just unlucky.
I would NEVER give birth or think of giving birth to a child conceived by rape. There would be nothing beautiful about it. What if that child came to ask me why I gave it up...do you think being the product of rape would help that child? Nope.
That is why our creator gave us the ability to have drs. and equipment and medicine to end pregnancies like this. And no, I am Prochoice, but also Prolife. It'd be nice if every pregnancy could be a time of joy and celebration but even in the best circumstances it's hard.
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Have you tried Planned Parenthood? They might be able to help you...I would contact them. I don't know how much a termination costs, but it's gotta be much cheaper than raising a baby to adulthood.... Cindy That was funny...a man taking responsibility. Not even my son takes responsibility...I go to Family Planning and buy condoms for him. He's 18. But in all seriousness, he and others need to be more mature and ready to even have sex if they can't protect themselves.
My Foster daughter, whom we love as our own, just became pregnant. She came from a crack addict mother, her father deseased when she was a year old, no relatives to look after her at all while her mom was neglecting her and abusing her from the age of 5 till 15 when we rescued her from living in a car last year. Since then we've got legal custody with the state. We are meeting with social services, her attorney, the psychologist, us parents and her to see what steps she can take.
Our biggest obstacle is the cost for her to terminate. She wants nothing more than to do this for several reasons, some are personal to her, but some are: She has no idea how to be a mother, not being raised with one of her own.
She is focused on finishing High School and going on to a 4 year college right after she graduates. And she did use protection, it doesn't always work. And I do trust her when she said she used it as she came to me 8 months ago and told me she'd had unprotected sex and what could she do. We got the Plan B pill and she was ok. She's not a dumb girl but she could not handle carrying a baby to give it up, or keep it, or anything like that. Termination is her best option and she does have the right to it.
The only thing we're finding out is that you have that right ONLY if you are wealthy enough to just write a check to have an abortion. Which doesn't interfer for little rich girls and boys to go onto colleges and great careers.
And this poor girl who was born into a life that was against her from the start, who just now has her life turned around living like a normal teen...this isn't fair.
Where are all the Pro Choice Groups now? I can't find any to help us.
Even the Pro life groups...? Where are they if she has to have this baby? Are they going to pay for daycare the next 6 years of her life so she can get her degree and finally have a wonderful life like she deserves.
I honestly think the Bushies did this on purpose, it helps create a bigger lower class, it helps stiffle those creative and brilliant minds, that would otherwise over create and out think most of the "trust fund babies" who would have to actually work for good grades and compete with other students with functioning brains, and who know how to earn things on their own and not handed to them.
It's how we got this idiot in office...do you really think he was at the top of his class or any class? Don't you want your President to be smarter than you? I do.
Does anyone have an idea of places my daugher can apply to help her terminate her pregnancy?
She's a Junior in High School...this is the first time in her life she's gone to the same school 2 years in a row. Next year she will graduate. Also the school coach recruited her to play girls varsity softball too...an honor as our school were state champs last year. She really wants to play. This kid has 2 years of being a kid.
Help anyone? T
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I believe a woman has the right to choose to carry a child or not. The day that choice is taken out of a womans control, is the day women are no longer independent people with equal rights. Men will control us again as they once did.
Frankly, I think the US is backward enough in many things, if you deprive women the right to an abortion to the list would make me turn my back on this country and walk away in disgust. I am already disgusted that RU 486 has become the issue it has. I mean honestly, I have heard of pharmacists refusing to dispense the drug, of doctors refusing to write a script for the drug. These people who wish to push their own belief systems on others, need to re-evaluate their choice of profession. A few of them need to be sued for failing to render proper medical treatment and maybe they will change their tune.
Having said that, I am not pro-abortion. I do believe there are times when a woman should have the right too choose an abortion. I know that mentally there are women who can't support the idea of carrying a pregnancy to term, there are also times when their own health dictates that it NOT be done.
What I object to is the use of abortion as birth control. There are many young people out there too lazy to care enough to take a pill daily, lazy or too drugged up. This is so disgusting too me. This is an issue on my mind because my neice has had two abortions under these circumstances.
As for men who pipe up and talk about getting rid of Roe V Wade, be careful what you wish for. I think the closer they march to this, the more women need to stand up and tell these men, get your lovin elsewhere. I personally would not even consider sleeping with a man who felt this way.
It seems that men want it all their way. They want the sex and the ability to force women to have the child, while in the workplace this makes women with children earning less money because of the demands of motherhood but where are the men all too often? How many men out there are paying the child support they are supposed to? How many men out there are dedicating as much time as the Mother of their children are dedicating? Not alot of them I can tell you.
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I did a research paper on the history of abortion. Thank God it is legal.
Wealthy women have always had the means to have safe abortions; it was always the lower socio-economic groups of women who had back-street abortions and who died horrible deaths from septic infections or who bled to death. That research opened my eyes to the desperate women whose lives were dictated by religion oriented society. Remember that same society once even forbade birth control for the masses. But, again, the wealthy were always able to get it.
Do you really think that overturning Roe vs Wade would stop women in desperate situations? No, it wouldn't, it would just force them to go back to "butchers."
As for God, don't assume you know God's mind or depth of compassion. Honestly, I am sick of people "quoting" God as if the celestial phone number is on the speed dial of their cell phone.
"Allow your dreams to become your plans."
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