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Let�s talk about Apple Cider Vinegar. It�s amazing how many folks use ACV-for health, personal beauty care and pet care. But with so many usage, there comes so many questions for example: what�s the traditional dosage, which brand of ACV is better to use, can ACV affect your teeth enamel and what about apple cider vinegar tablets? Share your thoughts on Apple Cider Vinegar! <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
This information is for informational purpose only and is not intended to replace the care or advice of a physician.
Apple Cider Vinegar Usage And Dosage [url=BellaOnline ALERT: For anti-spam reasons, we restrict the number of URLs allowed in a given post. You have exceeded our maximum number of URLs.
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Herbal Hair Rinse Combinations Using ACV
I use fresh herbs in my ACV but you can use dry ones. I use about 1/4 cup of fresh chamomile to a quart of boiling water, let is steep until cool strain then add 2 Tablespoons of ACV. You can use any herb you like and adjust the amount and the vinegar accordingly.
Certain herbs can enhance your hair color, as well as condition it. For example: Rosemary and parsley are good for dark hair, sage will darken graying hair, chamomile will highlight blonde or light brown hair, calendula conditions, lavender and lemon verbena add fragrance, linden is good for frequently shampooed hair, and nettles will control dandruff.
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Question: I've heard about enamel erosion and cider vinegar what can I do to prevent this early?
Answer: Apple cider vinegar may be very cleansing to the system, <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> but can be a disaster to your teeth enamel. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Suggestions: 1. Never drink ACV straight. Always drink it well diluted with water.
2. Immediately rinse your mouth well with water after drinking ACV. Don't brush your teeth right away as that may grind the vinegar into the enamel.
3. Possibility: Drink ACV with a straw. The trick is to not let the liquid touch your teeth.
4. Take ACV tablets instead.
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Question: I want to try ACV for sinusitis, which usually occurs after a cold. What dose should I start? Answer: The traditional dosage of ACV is 2-3 TBLS of ACV in 8 oz of water 3x a day. Add honey to taste. To help relieve the pain of sinusitis, both Patrick Quillin PhD ( in his book Amazing Honey Garlic and Vinegar) and Cynthia Holzapfel ( in her book Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss and Good Health) suggest drinking a glass of water with 1 or 2 teaspoons of ACV added, every hour for 6 to 8 hours. For sinus headache, Marie Nadine Antol, in her book The Incredible Secrets of Vinegar, recommends adding an eight of a cup of ACV to a cool-air vaporizer and inhaling the infused-air directly for 5 minutes. After that lie down for 20 minutes and wait for your respiratory passages to clear. Apple Cider Vinegar Usage And Dosage http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art38036.asp
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Question: Does the tablet form work just as well?
Answer: If you have a hard time with the taste of ACV you can try adding it to a glass of cold or warm apple juice. There are the over the counter tablets, but the liquid ACV works faster
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I have had a sinus headache for days so after reading your post I decided to try ACV. I mixed it with water and honey. I had a hard time with the taste and it hurt my teeth. I think next time I will try your suggestion of mixing it with warm apple juice.
I noticed you have several articles on your site relating to headaches. I am going to go read them in more detail. Great site!
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Thank you bepart, For some individual�s acv is just not the right remedy for them. For others it may be the perfect remedy. For me the taste and the smell are two things I had a very hard time with and still do. So the suggestions below are for those who are unable to use acv as a remedy for sinusitis and the headache that is associated with it. It�s hard to think about anything when you have a headache, except how to stop the pain or relieve it. Here are a couple suggestions. I hope they help. Toe massage for relief of sinusitis: Symptoms include congestion, fever, cough and headaches. Reflexologists work frequently to alleviate the drainage and congestion problem of sinusitis. The practitioner aggressively massages the toes, where the sinuses nerve endings reside. Gently pulling on each toe and then kneading all sides of the individual toes helps provide relief for sinusitis. Another suggestion: try eliminating dairy products from your diet for two month; some chronic sinus sufferers discover a significant decease of symptoms. Natural Remedies For A Headache http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art37094.asp
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Email responses: Disliking the taste of apple cider vinegar. <img src="/images/graemlins/crazy.gif" alt="" />
It's always been very difficult for me to stomach apple cider. I just HATE the flavor...even when mixing it with honey. But I found the answer for me maybe it will help someone else. It�s cinnamon! half a teaspoon of fresh cinnamon it helps tremendously. It neutralizes the horrible taste. Anonymous
Try putting your ACV in apple juice. I too have tried to make it taste better�.. Anonymous
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Hi Victoria!
Actually i have been drinking this for over 3 months now - 1/4 c apple cider vinegar with 2 liters of water and 1 squeezed lemon and honey to sweeten. I would drink this before breakfast and anytime i feel like drinking during the day. It has lowered my cholesterol count tremendously.
Regards, Anonymous
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Hello Victoria,
The brand I use is (Eden Organics) cider vinegar. I find it at my local health food store. When buying acv, make sure it is "raw" (unpasteurized) and organic. It should also say it contains "the mother" of the vinegar which gives it a cloudiness.
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Scented Bath Vinegars <img src="/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" />
Apple cider vinegar is always a healthy addition to the bath. It is soothing, relieves dry, itchy skin, and restores natural pH to the skin. A scented vinegar is even more pleasant to use-it provides the healthy benefits of apple cider vinegars plus the additional therapeutic properties of essential oil.
How to make a (Scented Bath Vinegar):
4 cups of apple cider vinegar 2 cups of petals of rose, lavender, lemon verbena, peppermint, or calendula 4 cups distilled water 10 drop of complementary essential oil (according to the herb used-lavender essential oil if the lavender herb was used for the steeping material). Steep petals in vinegar for 6-8 weeks. (To shorted the time to 2 weeks, heat the vinegar before adding herbs), After the steeping time, strain the mixture. An old coffee filter works great, just place the filter on top of the container you are going to use and drain. Add an equal amount of distilled water, and complementary essential oil. Allow mixture to blend for a few days then pour into a pretty glass bottle ( I use a dark bottle).
Use 1 cup in the bath water, pouring it in as the water fills the tub. The scented vinegar also makes a good compress when you soak a wash cloth in the liquid, wring it out and apply it to the desired body area.
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I have several ACV recipes from my articles over in the Body Care section. From Exfoliation Basics: You can make your own exfoliating scrubs easily at home; . . . combine 1 pinch salt, 1/2 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar, and a drop or two of essential oil of your choice (Basil is particularly good for this, as it helps cleanse and liven the complexion), then add 1 tsp ground almonds and 1 tsp ground oat flakes. (This proportion is meant for the face; if you want to use it as a full-body scrub, you will need to make more.) Use your fingers to rub this into the skin well, then rinse off. From Simple Recipes for Blemished Skin: Make a solution of 4 ounces Apple Cider vinegar with 20 drops lavender and 20 drops eucalyptus essential oils. Use 1 teaspoon in about 1-2 cups lukewarm water as a final rinse when cleansing the face. From How to Tame Dry Hair: An apple cider vinegar final rinse can help dry hair. Use a few drops of essential oil in one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and add this to about three cups of boiled water. Placed in a bowl, you can allow most of your hair to soak in it, and splash it over the rest with your hand to rinse it just before you get out of the shower. From Bath and Body Gift Ideas and Recipes: This rinse smells heavenly and is wonderful for your hair, especially weak, dry and/or damaged hair. 16 oz container (I used an old witchazel plastic bottle) 4 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 5 drops Lavender essential oil 5 drops Rose essential oil 5 drops Sandalwood essential oil 3 drops Rosemary essential oil Combine all ingredients in container and top off with water. Cap bottle and shake thoroughly to mix. You may wish to include a tag with the following information: Apply liberally after normal washing routine, let sit for about 3-5 minutes, then rinse. The key to not getting a 'slimy' or 'sticky' feeling to your hair (it looks perfectly clean, but feels odd to the touch) is to use water as cool as you can take to rinse with, and rinse it WELL. (I use this recipe myself on a regular basis; it's wonderful.) I hope some of these are helpful to you all!
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Thank you Jennie, great information! <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
Apple Cider Vinegar Oat Face Mask
Blend whole rolled oats into fine powder Mix with apple cider vinegar Apply to face and neck Softens/PH balances Use warm water as the main wet ingredient, when making face mask.
All Natural Shampoo (ACV) Add the following ingredients in a blender:
1 oz. Olive oil 1 egg 1 Tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar. Use as you would a regular shampoo
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Hi Victoria, I have a question about making your own apple cider vinegar. Can I used store bought pasturized apple juice, or do you have to use real apples for the health benefits? I make wine, so I know you'd have to add yeast.
Thanks a lot, Anonymous
Answer: Apple cider vinegar can be made from fresh, organic, crushed apples that are allowed to mature naturally in wooden barrels. You can also buy Naturally fermented un-pasteurized raw apple cider vinegar, at a health food stores, and have the same benefits, it should be a rich amber color with the "mother" quite visible as sentiment on the bottom. Eden organic is a good brand.
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What is the proper apple cider vinager dosage for weight loss? thank you Anonymous Answer: For weight loss ACV has been used as a weight loss remedy for centuries. It has been suggested that the ACV works because it makes the body burn calories better, reduces appetite and gets the entire metabolism working. But whatever the reason, the fact remains that it has stood the test of time and has helped countless people to achieve their ideal weight. Taking the usual dosage of ACV and water before meals. The traditional dosage of ACV is 2-3 TBLS of ACV in 8 oz of water 3x a day. Add honey to taste. Apple Cider Vinegar Usage And Dosage http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art38036.asp
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Hello Victoria, I wanted to share this with you and your readers. Hope you enjoy! To receive your Free Bragg Health Facts Info Package with a sample of Bragg Liquid Aminos or a sample of the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar drink, fill out & submit the e-mail form below. All fields marked with an "*" are REQUIRED. Submitted information is strictly confidential and is not sold or in any way made available to sources outside Bragg Live Foods / Health Science. (Sorry, this free offer is available only for U.S. postal addresses) http://www.bragg.com/aboutbragg/sample.html
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Victoria, I read somewhere that cider vinegar can help arthritis. Do you have any information about this? Thanks! Answer: Vinegar for Arthritis-Two teaspoons of ACV to eight-ounce glass of water also add 2 teaspoons of honey 3x a day. For external use, Soak the painful joint (hand or foot) in a hot but comfortable solution of ACV for ten minutes, two to three times a day a quarter of a cup of ACV to one and a half cups of water. For painful knees or shoulder you can make a poultice by soaking a cloth in a mixture of ACV and water. A quarter of a cup of ACV to one and a half cups of water. Repeat as needed though out the day. Apple Cider Vinegar Usage And Dosage http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art38036.asp
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Hi Victoria,
What is the mother of Apple Cider Vinegar?
Answer: Natural unpasteurized acv should be a rich brownish or amber color-and when you hold the acv to light you should see a formation of cob-web like substance floating in it, this substances is called the �mother�.
When you first see this floating substance it can look very unappetizing when comparing it to the supermarkets distilled acv, which is a bright color and free from the cob- web floating substances. Distilled acv destroys the �mother� substance-that contains nutritional health values.
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BellaOnline Editor Jellyfish
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Great website. I found it looking for a recipe for homemade vinegar. But, do you know if you can make vinegar from the cobweb stuff in the vinegar?Is this the Mother of vinegar? I read somewhere you could but I don't know how. And I can't find where I read it from.
Thanks for help you can provide.
Answer: Yes, you can save some of the �mother� (cob-web substances) and transfer it to work in other vinegar bottles. I found the information in Bragg book-pg 1, Apple Cider Vinegar Miracle Health System.
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While browsing your website, I came across a section detailing the many benefits of apple cider vinegar. There seems to be a debate over whether organic unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (ACV) should be consumed or the pasteurized ACV common in many grocery stores. Critics of the unpasteurized ACV claim that it many contain bacteria. Critics to pasteurized AVC claim that heating and removal of the mother destroy the health-enhancing properties of the vinegar. What type of apple cider vinegar do you recommend?
Answer: Many commercial acv have been pasteurized, filtered, refined or distilled this processing destroys the �mother� and many of the acv benefits. The best type of apple cider vinegar to use is organic unpasteurized, in which no chemicals or preservatives have been added, it will have the "mother" visible, and is not pasteurized. The "mother " is a natural cob-web substance formed during the last fermentation step. This type of acv can be found in health food stores.
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Thank you for this great information on apple cider vinegar. Which brand do you recommend and where can i buy it?
Answer: You can find natural acv at your local Health Food store. There are a few you can choose from. I use Eden�s Organic. Bragg is also a popular brand of acv. When picking natural acv-it should have the �mother� visible a cob-web looking substances.
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Is there any information on using Apple Cider Vinegar for Diabetes? Will appreciate any information on this.
Thank you,
Answer:DIABETES-2-3 teaspoons (acv) to 8 oz of water taken daily before meals, is said to have dietary fiber and other ingredients, which are beneficial in controlling blood glucose levels. The acids and enzymes promote better digestion and nutrient abortion, which is impaired in some diabetes, suffers.
This home remedy has been the subject of research and has shown that acv can help lower blood sugar levels.
Scientists in Sweden report that vinegar given with white bread reduces blood sugar and insulin. It also helps people feel fuller up to two hours later (European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Sept. 2005). Japanese researchers have found that vinegar can counteract the effect of white rice on blood sugar. And investigators at Arizona State University report that two tablespoons of vinegar before a starchy meal can significantly reduce the rise in blood glucose (Diabetes Care, Jan. 2004).
There is also research showing that one to six grams of cinnamon daily can lower cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar levels (Diabetes Care, Dec. 2003).
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I love apple cider vinegar - it has so many benefits - if anyone would like to write a post in my blog - please do!
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This topic got over 10,000 views! That has to be some kind of record.
I put apple cider vinegar into my pets water as someone recommended it for keeping fleas away. I have 3 dogs and 3 cats and they all drink it and they all have no fleas!
I use Eden Organic also for them. I use it for myself for salad dressing-a little apple cider vinegar, some olive oil and seasoning. If you go heavier on the ACV than the olive oil, it saves calories!
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I use ACV for my pets also:  3 cats, 4 dogs and 4 birds. Added ACV to your pets drinking water, has shown to maintain the acid/alkaline balance of the digestive tract. Restoring the body�s pH to the alkaline range is just as important to our pets health as it is ours. Nearly all chronic illness takes place in a body that has become acidic. Many holistic Vets recommend a daily dosage of: 1 tsp for cats and small dogs (up to 14 lb) 2 tsp for medium dogs (15 to 34 lb) 1 tbsp for large dogs (35 to 84 lb) Do not feed ACV to a pet that have irritation of the intestinal tract lining.
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Apple Cider Vinegar Diet BellaOnline ALERT: For anti-spam reasons, we restrict the number of URLs allowed in a given post. You have exceeded our maximum number of URLs.
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Wow, thanks so much for the great vinegar articles! I use vinegar for many cleaning purposes, as well as for health and weightloss.
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I wonder if this topic is the most read on on Bella? over 16,000 views! Amazing!
I use ACV for lots of things and love Edens also.
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So this stuff does actually work. Hmm, you learn something everyday. I'll have to start using it.
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Apple Cider Vinegar is awesome stuff. I only use Bragg's organic "with the mother" - much better. I use it before heavy meals to aid in digestion and keep blood sugars down (I'm diabetic) Also, I had some horrible stomach issues and my naturopath recommended taking this more often (I had been very lax in using it for awhile) Basically he said I had not enough acids to digest food properly (could have fooled me since I had terrible heartburn but you can get this also from not enough acids) - anyway, the ACV cured the stomach problem and now if it flares up, I know I need to use more. Good stuff. I didn't know about the teeth issue - I usually put it in a shot glass and now I will add water to it and drink water after.
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Hi with the holistic med that I work with with use apple Cidar Vinegar to hold the vibration of the native flower in an essence form.Vey powerful healing properties. This form of therapy is to heal the mind then the body will follow. I work with Flower Essence Therapy.Native flowers.All countries have native flowers.So they are easy to obtain.
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Apple Cider Vinegar, that wonderful old-timers home remedy, cures more ailments than any other folk remedy -- we're convinced! From the extensive feedback we've received over the past 8 years, the reported cures from drinking Apple Cider Vinegar are numerous. Nice Post..... Thank you so much..... ______________________________________________ If you are Looking for a permanent solution for the different ailments visit,BellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!
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I have recently heard quite a bit about apple cider vinegar, I will definitely give it a try...thank you for the info!
Brandi Magill is an aspiring writer, wife, and mother of two. She enjoys educating and empowering women to live a healthy lifestyle! To connect with Brandi visitBellaOnline ALERT: Raw URLs are not allowed in these forums for security reasons. Please use UBB code. If you don't know how to do UBB code just post here for help - we will help out!
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Question: I've heard about enamel erosion and cider vinegar what can I do to prevent this early?
Answer: Apple cider vinegar may be very cleansing to the system, <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> but can be a disaster to your teeth enamel. <img src="/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
Suggestions: 1. Never drink ACV straight. Always drink it well diluted with water.
2. Immediately rinse your mouth well with water after drinking ACV. Don't brush your teeth right away as that may grind the vinegar into the enamel.
3. Possibility: Drink ACV with a straw. The trick is to not let the liquid touch your teeth.
4. Take ACV tablets instead. Because many people use ACV for acid reflux, I suggest rinsing your mouth out with baking soda and water after taking it. This neutralizes the acid in the vinegar and prevents enamel erosion! Shay
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does anyone know if any brand of the ACV tablets available are made from pasteurized ACV or do they have the mother included? Ravyn
Se non potete resistere al calore, allora esca dalla MIA cucina. LadyLvsNyt
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Hi, thanks for posting this.
My friend told me about a new site where you can ask any questions you have about alternative medicine and it will be answered by a practitioner or medical doctor for free.
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Apple Cider Vinegar, that wonderful old-timers home remedy, cures more ailments than any other folk remedy -- we're convinced! From the extensive feedback we've received over the past 8 years, the reported cures from drinking Apple Cider Vinegar are numerous. They include cures for allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout. One reader reported that a shot of ACV saved him from going to the emergency room for heart pain. Apple Cider Vinegar also breaks down fat and is widely used to lose weight. It has also been reported that a daily dose of apple cider vinegar in water has high blood pressure under control in two weeks!
Apple Cider Vinegar is also wonderful for pets, including dogs, cats, and horses. It helps them with arthritic conditions, controls fleas & barn flies, and gives a beautiful shine to their coats!
If you can get over the taste of apple cider vinegar, you will find it one of the most important natural remedies in healing the body. As a wonderful side effect of drinking apple cider vinegar every day, we've discovered that it brings a healthy, rosy glow to one's complexion! This is great news if you suffer from a pale countenance.
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ACV is definitely my "go to" remedy for sinus issues. It is amazing!!
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Hey Vicoria,
I read your articles on ACV and thought that they were great! I could really stay on your site all day. A lot of interesting information.
I have a question:
Being that ACV has negative effects when it comes in contact with your enamel, do products that have ACV in them equally bad for the your enamel?
I have a sorbet type dessert that I use ACV in and want to make sure that it isn't negatively affecting the teeth when consumed.
Thanks for your response.
Wow, I didn't know ACV had this many uses.
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BellaOnline Editor Jellyfish
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Hi Jason! Equally I could spend time on your page, lots of great articles & information! To answer your question, it�s really only when the ACV is taken by itself that it can have a negative effect on teeth enamel. When ACV is added to a salad dressing or your sorbet dessert it will actually adds in digestion and gets the entire metabolism working!...  Due to the acidity ACV should always be diluted with water or apple juice before drinking...If taken undiluted it can cause burning in the throat or contribute to enamel erosion.
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Quick cure when you feel a cold coming on: 1/3 cup acv diluted with water (add lemon, honey, or using warm cider instead of water sounds like a great idea!, in the evening. I learned this from an old farmer in the town where I grew up, and I always get over colds quickly and easily.
Other uses: pour acv on a burn when it first occurs--of course, applying cold material (ice cubes--I've used frozen peas and corn when I run out of cubes) and aloe vera are also healing for burns. Switchel is a drink that farmers used to have out in the field during haying--it's acv, water, and some sugar and salt, which replaces electrolytes and cools the body when working in the hot sun.
All the tips about not letting it touch your teeth or adding other ingredients are great ideas! I'll try cinammon next time, too.
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Thanks for the info. And nice stint into the regional uses of ACV. Really love the learning process of all the things God gave us to help build/rebuild health, well-being and wholeness.
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What a great thread. Some really good info about ACV shared. Thanks!
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I use Bragg ACV and after about two months it has helped lower my blood pressure and cholesterol back to normal. My cholesterol has gone from 240 to 165..blood pressure from 145/98 to 130/78. its not the most pleasant thing to drink, but with these results, it is definitely worth it.
I put 2 tbsp in a glass of water and add a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. I drink a glass in the morning before eating, then before lunch and again in the afternoon. I sometimes have it at night too, if I am tempted to eat too close to bedtime. It shuts off the cravings.
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Many people take Apple Cider Vinegar tablets, or Red Wine Vinegar tablets without knowing what these products are doing for them. A large majority of the population suffer from reduced Hydrochloric Acid production in the digestive process. This condition is called Hypochlorhydria. Hydorchloric acid is only produced in the Stomach, by the Parietal cells. It is essential for the converion of nurients consumed. It is also responsible for the emulsification and sterilization of the food consumed. As you age the Parietal cells wane in their ability to produce Hydrochloric acid. This reduction in the pH causes incomplete converion and subsequently reduced absorption in the Small bowel. The normal treatment for Hypochlorhydria is Hydrochloric Acid tablets or capsules. The natural substitute for HCL tablets is the Apple Cider Vinegar or Red Wine Vinegar tablets. Allergies, irregular stools, reflux, belching, bloating, gas, etc, are common symptoms of Hypochlorhydria. These symptoms are also common in people that are producing too much acid. It is important to have a pH test, or gastrogram before taking any type of medication for either Hypo or Hype.
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Jay, I love Bragg products! If you go to their website, you can get free samples, which included tons of info when I got mine. They also have a nice email newsletter.
I ended up ordering some seasoning mixes from them but I do buy the ACV in the grocery store. I love it.
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[quote=AltmedVictoria]Hi Victoria!
Actually i have been drinking this for over 3 months now - 1/4 c apple cider vinegar with 2 liters of water and 1 squeezed lemon and honey to sweeten. I would drink this before breakfast and anytime i feel like drinking during the day. It has lowered my cholesterol count tremendously.
Anonymous [/quote]
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After many years of people swearing by apple cider vinegar with little research to back up the claims, there is a new Japanese study out that supports the weightloss and losing belly fat claims.
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I became familiar with Apple Cider Vinegar during my search for natural acne cures. When I found so many uses for it I said Wooa! :)
I had acne during teenage years and I said to myself that I could do nothing because of the hormonal imbalances during teenage. But the acne remained in adult years.
I began to use ACV for a couple of weeks now to wash my face before bedtime. I can't tell yet if it does anything, but I will continue the treatment.
I bought a cheap ACV from a grocery store - it just said that it was obtain through natural fermentation, but it was clear - without "the mother".
One thing I read over and over was that a good ACV needs to have "the mother" and not be pasteurized, so next time I will buy a more expensive one :)
Last edited by Marius M; 10/14/09 06:07 PM.
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Being so amazed with the inifinite uses of vinegar :) I tried to use it to clean all my towels.
They didn't absorb water anymore and they where only good for one use only after they were washed.
I put 2 tablespoons of vinegar to the rinse cycle of the washing machine (you can put up to a cup - but beware of the smell).
After one complete cycle, I ran another one (just the rinse cycle) just to be sure :) and I put another 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar.
I am now happy again with my towels - they absorb water again, dry quickly and don't smell anymore.
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A word of caution!
One night I was tired and forgot to dilute the vinegar with water. I soaked the cotton ball directly in the vinegar and used it to wash my face.
I couldn't breathe and my tears began to flow. I realized what I've done and washed my face quickly with cold water.
Don't use vinegar directly and always dilute it with water.
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Marius, what a great idea to try the vinegar in washing towels to make them more absorbent again!
I love vinegar. I just used some to deskunk my dog, and it worked like a charm. No mess! I didn't want to use tomato juice for that reason. But the vinegar did the trick.
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Has anyone noticed increased energy or weight loss from drinking Apple Cider Vinegar daily?
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BellaOnline Editor Jellyfish
BellaOnline Editor Jellyfish
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Wonderful information! shared here on ACV...
Last edited by AltmedVictoria; 09/02/10 10:58 PM.
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"Never drink ACV straight. Always drink it well diluted with water."
Why, what will happen if you drink ACV straight?
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[quote=kerstinlinne]"Never drink ACV straight. Always drink it well diluted with water."
Why, what will happen if you drink ACV straight?
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Last edited by kerstinlinne; 09/27/10 10:56 PM.
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I use cider apple vineger with honey diluted in hot water as an everyday drink.
I add cider apple vinegar to the last rinse of my hair. It helps with an itchy scalp.
I add it to rosewater to make a toner for my face.
I use it in salad dressing with olive oil and herbs.
Linda Heywood
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I use cider apple vinegar with honey diluted in hot water as an everyday drink.
I add cider apple vinegar to the last rinse of my hair. It helps with an itchy scalp.
I add it to rosewater to make a toner for my face.
I use it in salad dressing with olive oil and herbs.
Linda Heywood
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I use natural apple vinegar when my stomach stop working good. Mixe: 1tb spoon to 1/2 water glass and drint it. It is first remedy when you neet to detoxicate your body.
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BellaOnline Editor Gecko
BellaOnline Editor Gecko
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I'd like to know more about using ACV on pets. How much ACV do you put in their drinking water to repel fleas? How much ACV do you give your dog to minimize arthritis problems and how do you administer it? Thanks, from me and my herd 
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I found out that ACV is good for dissolving bone spurs so I've been drinking some in water after dinner each evening. The good side effect of this is it's helped my digestion a lot! I added a page to my healthy living website about the health benefits of apple cider vinegar which has info about lots of remedies using ACV.
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I am waiting to hear the answer. Bus, this information on [url=http://apple-cider-vinegar-benefits.blogspot.com/]Apple Cider Vinegar[/url] site might be interesting for you.
Last edited by momoloki; 05/11/12 12:58 PM.
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