What type of music is it that you play and what instrument?
Hi Chris
I have mostly played in "Cover" bands doing chart/popular music from over the years, from Frank Sinatra right up to modern day stuff like U2/Coldplay and so on.
But I have a personal home recording studio where I like to record all types of music, from movie type scores to originals. But as I mentioned to u, I like to listen to all types of music from any century :>, and I think this all creeps into my music.
I'm working on releasing lots of stuff I've recorded, but "life", and my online work keeps me too busy at the moment to get this done ... it's getting there slowly LOL.
As to instruments, I started off on the Electric and Acoustic Guitar, then added Vocals to this. Mostly because of the studio, I have also learned Keyboards and Electric Bass but long story here. I program Drums and Keyboards too for the studio - this can range from programming classical style music to Pop and all styles in between. I'm a much better keyboard programmer than player, as, I learn a piece, record it, and then promptly forget how to play it - DOH!
I think, because of your love for Roots Music, that you should take up the guitar yourself <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />. Also your rhythm training from the dancing would be a great help here. The guitar would be ideal to suit this style of music (and loads of others - it's a most versatile instrument). I'm not biased towards the guitar or anything like that <img src="/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> ...